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Does a plant based diet really help with health conditions? Here is how

Eating a plant based diet can help reverse, prevent, or stop chronic disease as you also lose weight. Even chronic disease as in cancer has seen results with consuming more of a whole food plant based lifestyle.

Decrease red meat and processed food

Increase physical activity

Obtain a healthy weight for your body as its  different for everyone 

Add in a plant based diet

Reduce alcohol and smoking along with other lifestyle factors will help improve your risk for developing chronic diseases.


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Goli Gummies

7 Day Plant Based Challenge


Hey there friends hope you’re having a great day. So today we’re going to talk about some more, the amazing benefits of eating plant based. And one of the things is that we know that it can help with, you know, chronic disease and like health condition. Okay. There’s been tons of reviews and tons of research.

And so there is definitely the evidence out there. So that’s just another reason for us to fill our plates up with more whole food. Just that natural goodness. It has so many benefits, right. And a lot of times, not even like a specific condition, it could be multiple things. So even if we talk about, say cancer, Right.

There’s been long reviews on how diet, you know, your nutritional intake, physical activity, even cancer prevention and the survival. It’s just so much better when you are eating more plant bakes. Right? So making whole grains and like your vegetables and your fruits, your legumes, a major part of your diet, like they even say that they want you to be more plant-based.

So there’s so many options to reduce your risk, right? To protect against certain cancers and also that correlates to your weight gain. So if you have excess weight that goes back to it as well, being overweight or obese will also give you a higher risk and it’s linked to 13 types of cancer, right? And these cancers will make up 40% of all the cancers diagnosed in United States each year.

It can cause change in our body. That’s going to help lead to cancer. Okay. Any changes are going to have long lasting inflammation and higher than normal levels of insulin. So it’s going to increase our risk. So that’s another reason. So it like correlates back and forth. So everything we do, like as intricate as our body is right.

Everything is connected. Look, there’s evidence that most eyes that protect against cancer are going to be rich in plant foods. I cannot even say this enough, like all that fiber in there, it’s just good for us. I mean, plant foods will give you the macronutrients that you need and the micronutrients it’s so complete.

It’s so good. We just, we just like with anything we eat, you want that variety. I mean, you wouldn’t just want to eat the same piece of animal product all the time. Right. So we want to have the righty of it and to get that fiber. Which is going to be unprocessed, right? We want, it’s going to give us foods as Richard nutrients, that dietary fiber, it’s also going to be lower in fat.

That’s why we want the whole foods because you still can get anything processed. So just because you are on a quote plant-based diet or vegan, You still gonna have food that’s high in fat. So that’s how we always want to emphasize the whole food. Plant-based right. A staying away from the refined sugar, which could be like white bread, pasta.

And look, there’s so many kinds of pastas. Now you can go down the aisle and there’s like everything down there. There’s lentil, pasta, there’s chickpea, pasta, um, cassava pasta, you know, They have one for you because we know people like pasta, right? It’s veggie pasta, and some of them will still be mixed with like some white flour per se.

So you just read the labels. We always want to read our labels and figure out what it is, right. Or just limit that, that could be your side dish. So instead of having the huge pate of pasta with a side salad, flip that and have a big, beautiful salad with loads of vegetables, some. See, I mean, you can go to town and just put just about anything in a salad, grab a bowl and just put all kinds of yummy.

Goodness. Just, just fill your bowl up with a rainbow. Right? Do I say, eat the rainbow when you do that, you’re having so much variety on your plate and it’s just feeding your body with all that nutrients and your mind, your body, your soul is all going to just love it. Love it. Right. Just go in there, just go into the store or a market or wherever it is that you’re getting your food from.

And just, just try something different. Also just pick up a variety of things. Like the next time you go in, go into wherever you’re getting your groceries at, just pick up something different that you’ve never tried be like something, you know, sometimes there’s something that you’ve always wanted to get, but you just like, I don’t know how to cook it.

Try that. I mean, there’s so many recipes out there who does a lot of recipe. Just go and just experiment. Just have fun in the kitchen. Okay. Just do that. Right. So basically, yeah. So reducing that refined sugar, that can be like a sticky point for people sometimes. So if you have a big plate of pasta in the little side salad, now let’s flip that.

So even some cause of cancers might be environmental factors like our lifestyle, um, also behaviors and genetics. And honestly, like it’s a small percentage of people that want of getting cancer come from our genes. It’s like five to 10% that might come from our parents. That’s a little number. So when you think about everything else, it’s our lifestyle things that we’re doing.

So just being aware of that, right. Just always just being so mindful of everything that we do from day to day. Right. So just being aware of those behaviors or exposures. So like I say, sometimes, you know, it runs in the family, but not all the time. Sometimes is that you have the same behaviors and patterns like tobacco, tobacco is definitely a risk factor, right?

So if multiple people smoke in your family say, and a bunch of you come up with lung cancer is not necessarily that lung cancer technically runs in the family. It’s that maybe that a lot of you have the same behalf behaviors and patterns that you’re mimicking of each other, that you’re learning from each other.

You for one can be the change in your family. Okay. I know I got the veterinary because I feel so strongly about it. Right? It’s like these generational curses that we are taught and learn from person to person, generation to generation, you know, whatever happened in the paths. We could leave it there and we can be the change.

Right. So just because you are sitting here and listening to this, we all know people with cancer, right. And some things are. Right. So doing the necessary actions to take. So you can be like, Hey, I’m not going to be the one that smoke in my family. You know? And sometimes it starts really young. You know, everything starts young, even with our children, they see these things, they hear these things and they’re, they’re learning, always learning, even as adults, we are always learning and taking in things, right.

Even listening to these podcasts all the time you’re taking in so much information. Right. So what we’re going to do is be that changed. So we don’t have to follow. We can be the leader and lead our next generation down a different path so they can improve their health and everything that there is out there.

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