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What exactly is a plant based diet?

What exactly is a plant based diet?

What exactly is a plant based diet and how does it affect my weight loss and my health? In this episode we will discuss what is plant based eating and how it affects our health and our ability to lose weight. What foods consists of 

Forgiveness Meditation to let go of Resentment and live in peace, love, and mindful awareness.

Forgiveness Meditation to let go of Resentment and live in peace, love, and mindful awareness.

Todays episode is a grounding meditation to help with forgiveness for yourself or forgiving someone else. To let go and live in the moment and find peace and love within yourself. Meditations are great to release anything you may be holding onto. Allow yourself to 

5 Ways to Stay Motivated to lose weight and improve your health so you can reach your goals

5 Ways to Stay Motivated to lose weight and improve your health so you can reach your goals

On todays podcast episode we will talk about 5 ways to stay motivated while woking out, losing weight, and reversing chronic illness so you can reach your goals. We can have the best intentions but get side tracked from being busy with our lives working, 

What 2 Mistakes to avoid when working out for Weight Loss to Manifest Success

What 2 Mistakes to avoid when working out for Weight Loss to Manifest Success

Two mistakes to avoid or mindset hacks for weight loss are resting when you exercise and not weighing yourself on the scale. Working out consistently will give you great results when exercising but rest your muscles as needed. Plan for success and avoid these 2 

Ready to Ditch diet culture? Stop counting calories and enjoy real, whole plant based foods.

Ready to Ditch diet culture? Stop counting calories and enjoy real, whole plant based foods.

Stop counting calories and enjoy your food. Counting calories is not the way. No need to count anything but instead eat Whole Foods. Eating real plant based foods and learning to love food. Lets talk about why restricting calories will harm you more than help 

Meditation for body appreciation. There is no weight loss without loving your body.

Meditation for body appreciation. There is no weight loss without loving your body.

Show your body some appreciation in this relaxing meditation. Remember to show yourself and your body much needed love each day. You cannot heal a body you hate so relax and destress with this meditation. Also be mindful of how you talk to yourself. Body 

Lets talk about Gut Health, our second brain, and how Digestion affects our mind and body.

Lets talk about Gut Health, our second brain, and how Digestion affects our mind and body.

In this episode we will go over gut health. The gut is associated with the source of diseases, weight loss, stress, and is the root cause of many issues on our life. How to help digestion improve to help you be in a better state 

How do you talk to yourself when you feel triggered? Here are 4 ways to show  self compassion

How do you talk to yourself when you feel triggered? Here are 4 ways to show self compassion

How do you talk to yourself when you are triggered? Have self compassion even when you are not in your most loving state.We all have different ways to cope when we are not in our resourced self. Here are some ways to help you have 

6 Ways for Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease with Lifestyle Habits that helps you live longer.

6 Ways for Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease with Lifestyle Habits that helps you live longer.

In this episode we will go over some healthy lifestyle habits for good heart health to prevent heart disease.Stick to these 6 habits to reduce the risk of chronic health diseases an especially heart disease: 1. Mostly plant based diet 2. Regular physical exercise 3. 

Distress Meditation to help with anxiety, stress, and forms of mental health.

Distress Meditation to help with anxiety, stress, and forms of mental health.

This episode is a guided meditation to help you release stress and anxiety from your day and let go. Also feel free to pray, meditate, be mindful, or even do some yoga to help with mental health and feel a state of happiness and overall