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Is a plant based diet a trend? Lets talk about it

Is a plant based diet a trend? Lets talk about it

Is a plant based diet a trend or fad or here to stay? Does a plant base diet help with weight loss and improve your health in the long term. How long have people been eating this way? Want to work with me? Click link 

Counting calories is harmful. Here is why you should stop counting calories

Counting calories is harmful. Here is why you should stop counting calories

Have you struggled to lose weight or keep it off with your wellness and weight loss journey? We will go over what happens when we count calories and how it impacts our body. If counting calories also impacts our mental health. How counting calories affects 

Transforming your wellbeing with lifestyle changes and a plant based diet

Transforming your wellbeing with lifestyle changes and a plant based diet

In this episode we talk about improving our health, weight loss, and simple steps to take for our wellbeing. Plant based diets and happiness; Is it a choice? Clarissa Want to work with me? Click link below Website -> Wellness & Weight Loss Community Group-> 

4 Weight loss myths debunked so you can ditch diet culture

4 Weight loss myths debunked so you can ditch diet culture

We talk about 4 weight loss myths that comes from diet culture. Weight loss myths can halt or alter your wellness and weight loss journey. How does exercise and the food you eat affect your ability to lose weight? Listen in Ready to start adding 

How do you set boundaries for weight loss and keep consistent with your goals? Here is how

How do you set boundaries for weight loss and keep consistent with your goals? Here is how

In this episode we will talk about setting boundaries. Steps to take to set boundaries and how it affects our wellbeing and weight loss journey. Is it possible to set boundaries and achieve our goals. Want to work with me? Click link below Website -> 

How journaling can impact your health

How journaling can impact your health

In this episode we will take about journaling in the daily routine. What will happen when you are journaling on a regular and making it apart of your daily routine. How it may impact your health and simple steps to add journaling into your lifestyle 

Identify your mental strength to lose weight and keep it off

Identify your mental strength to lose weight and keep it off

Here is how for improved health and sustained weight loss. Identify strengths to help you lose weight that you can use anywhere. Besides physical strength from working out in the gym mental strength is even more important. Listen in now to find out how and 

Is a all or nothing mindset healthy for weight loss

Is a all or nothing mindset healthy for weight loss

In this episode find out if a all or nothing mindset will help you lose weight or hinder your progress. Thoughts and weight loss management to keep the weight you lose off for good. What is a way to help you think for weight loss. 

Stop stress eating from working and calm your system.

Stop stress eating from working and calm your system.

Stop stress eating from feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, and calm your system down. Lose weight from not overeating and cascading into a binge and start mindful eating.  Know why you are eating when you are stressed. Want to work with me? Click link below Program:  

Stop self sabotage for sustainable weight loss

Stop self sabotage for sustainable weight loss

Stopping self sabotage before it derails your diet is key for weight loss and weight loss maintenance. The closer you get to your goals the harder it can be but you can’t give up. Here are some tips to help you push threw those blocks