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You must put yourself first to provide impact and achieve your goals.

You must put yourself first to provide impact and achieve your goals.

In this interview we talk providing impact and the importance of self care.  What must you focus on to get started providing impact and what can hold you back from reaching your goals. The importance of boundaries and burnout. Much love  Clarissa  Want to work 

How does meditation affect weight loss and stress? Here is how

How does meditation affect weight loss and stress? Here is how

n this episode of miracles and wellness we talk about how Meditation can help you lose weight by having a regular mediation practice. Helping you cope with stress eating and emotional eating. How stress affects our weight loss and health How mediation can help us 

4 Common plant based diet myths debunked

4 Common plant based diet myths debunked

There is so much talk about plant based diets and being vegan. Lets debunk 4 myths that float around about plant based diets Are plant based diets nutritious? What about dairy? Will I be hungry? Where is the protein? Plant based diets are amazing for 

How to form new habits and receive generational blessings.

How to form new habits and receive generational blessings.

We talk about generational curses and stepping Into generational blessings. Chronic disease getting passed down from one generation to another and that you can be the change for your family. God, prayer, belief, and faith will lead the way. Forming new habits and beliefs will 

The difference between a plant based diet vs vegan

The difference between a plant based diet vs vegan

What is the difference between a vegan diet and a plant based diet. Vegans refrain from all animal products for different reasons including health, helping animals, and improving the environment. Plant based diet is fully plant based or eats some animal prodcuts Eating more plants 

Is it possible to keep off weight? Here are tips to keep the weight off after losing it.

Is it possible to keep off weight? Here are tips to keep the weight off after losing it.

In this episode we talk about tips to maintain your weight loss and keep it off for good. Understanding emotional eating and stress as it relates to you. Having support and accountability during your weight loss journey. Staying away from FAD diets and restricting yourself 

How to manifest your desires to meet your goals for weight loss and to improve your health.

How to manifest your desires to meet your goals for weight loss and to improve your health.

Lets talk about manifesting goals and desires to help you lose weight, Lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and other health conditions. Know your hopes, dreams, and goals that you desire. ⁣ Ask for what you want.  Co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and 

How do I lose weight to improve my health when I have no motivation? Here are tips how

How do I lose weight to improve my health when I have no motivation? Here are tips how

In this episode we will talk about how to stay motivated. When trying to lose weight motivation and consistency will help keep you going. Know why you want to reach your goals to lose weight and reverse health conditions.  Having a support system  and the 

Can I protect my mental health during the holidays? Here are tips to help relieve stress and mental health over the holidays

Can I protect my mental health during the holidays? Here are tips to help relieve stress and mental health over the holidays

In this episode on the podcast we talk about relieving stress, depression, anxiety, and mental health that can happen over the holidays. Try these to help relive stress and to help with mental health. Talking to god and loved one. Share your feelings  Letting go 

How can I set my daily routine? Here are tips how

How can I set my daily routine? Here are tips how

On this episode we go over how to set up a daily routine to help set you up success for your day. Whether you want to lose weight or take steps to improve your health this is for you. Subtle shifts every day  Find joy