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Stay off the scale and give yourself grace and lose weight

Getting upset when trying to lose weight by getting on the scale will not help you.

Don’t weigh yourself all the time when trying to lose weight

Give yourself grace and have patience 

Allow yourself to lose the weight and improve your health

Focus on the goals instead of the number

Find an outlet for your stress and emotions


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We’re going to get into it and talk a little bit about, I don’t know, we wouldn’t call it expectations or just things that moving as fast as you was like. Cause we know we haven’t had patients and sometimes you just feel like it’s so hard. You like, I want it now.

Right? Cause with some, you never feel like we’re just in that now moment. I mean, cause everything is just so much at our fingertips. Our technology things is getting faster and faster. You know what it is. You just be sitting at home or you just doing some work and you’re like, why is this internet moving so slow?

And it’s the thing about it. How many years ago do we have dial up? And now our internet is faster, but you still might be like, it’s moving slow. You just get used to it. So we were in that now moment and that also can apply to our health. So if you’re looking to lose weight, you’re like, I want to lose his weight right now, or I want to get off his medication right now.

I feel like I don’t want to take. You know, but it doesn’t just exactly work like that. You got to give a little bit of time. You ever just sit there and you could be like, you look into scale after a few days of healthy eating and you’re like, I gained a pound or you’re not losing as much as expected. I can get a little discouraging if you’re not like prepared for it.

Right. Or you’re like, I just went to the doctor and I’m still on this blood pressure medication or something like that. Any of the things right. But you have to know to give yourself grace, first and foremost, we have to learn to give ourselves grace. So don’t beat yourself up if things are not moving as fast as you’d like, because we want to be realistic about it.

Right. Things can happen quickly, but he wants to be sustainable at the same time. So for instance, you might drop some weight, like really fast, but depending on how you lost it, it might come back. So let’s say, you know, for one. Don’t not even get on your scale. And now this is really hard for people sometimes, but try not to get on your scale from many reasons.

I mean, for one, you could have a water retention, right? Depending on what you ate and it just goes up and down there’s hormones. I mean, the scale you could just think of it as like, not your friend. All right. Just put it in your garage, get rid of it. Take your measurements. And it’s not something you should do every day.

So try not to get on the scale every morning. Also, you know, don’t do it every few days because it can mess with your head and it will mess with your head because you are a human hand, you have all kinds of things going on. You’re by your very intricate. And so it’s going to change that all the time. So just give yourself that grace.

Right. And so for one, don’t get on the scale, right. And then when you’re talking about healthy, This is different from many different people. And not everybody really knows what eating healthy is like, because I mean, a lot of times there’s always blogs. There’s all these commercials. There are so many different diets.

There’s fads galore, and it can get confusing. It can get really confusing. And so you might not even know what. You might’ve heard something where it told you don’t eat any carbs, they’re all bad. And just all these things. And you’re just like, well, what’s happening. You’re like I lost this weight. Then I gained it back because your body was starving.

Right. So knowing what to eat for one thing, are you eating your whole foods? Right? And then even if you’re eating that way, your, your way still can fluctuate because anything can be happening in your body at any given time. Look at all the systems we have in there. Anything could be happening. So. Knowing what you’re eating right.

First knowing is the food you’re eating actually healthy and it’s different for everybody. And you also can have a sensitivity to something. So just because something is healthy, it doesn’t mean you have to eat that, find out what works for you. Right. So if you’re going to be doing that because I’ve definitely worked with.

Where they was getting on the scale a lot. And they was just feeling really discouraged, but I’m like, you know, your body is doing different things. You’d, might’ve drunk a lot of water today. Maybe you didn’t the other day, maybe you got on the scale in a different time of day. That is different. Where, whether you get off, soon as you wake up, maybe you went to the bathroom, maybe you ate breakfast, all of these things.

So try not to focus on that. I mean, I’ve sat there and worked with somebody and their weight went up. But as cause there was lifting. And that’s good. We want to lift weights. I will say time and time again. Lifting is sexy. It looks good. It gives you that sleekness. Okay. Something that looked good. Okay.

I’m slim thick the way to go. And, but your weight might stay the same or it might go up, but then she takes her measurements. Right. She took her measurements and she was like more toned and the measurements went down and so. She still had to wrap her head around it, but she could look at herself in the mirror and tell that she was slimmer and that she was more toned and she also had more energy.

Right. And the core clothes were looser, but the numbers on the scale, we’re not showing that if he does pay attention to it. So that’s one, another reason not to pay attention to that and try not to let it get to you. I know it can be hard, especially in the beginning. If you are. Used to that, because maybe at one point you were told to look at the numbers or you just get an out of habit.

So we want to kind of break out of that habit. All right. And then at the same token, you did not get to wherever you are overnight. Okay. So if you have high blood pressure, for example, now, if you just try to eat plant-based for three days is going to take longer than three days. It’s not going to take an extreme amount of.

But that patience is needed. Okay. But still being positive to yourself and telling yourself that you’re doing the right thing, having a good support system around you to give you that encouragement to keep going is good to have that for yourself to tell yourself, to keep going. But sometimes, you know, it’s still good to have a little extra round cause sometimes might be like, I ain’t got it today.

And that’s okay. You know, so having somebody to confide in is really good. Yeah. So just remember you didn’t get there overnight, even, even for your weight. So if you want to lose 20 pounds, for example, there is going to take you time to get it all for it to be sustainable. So don’t go on a crash diet, trying to lose the weight really quickly, give yourself the time to lose it in a healthy way.

And that’s going to be different for every. Whether you lose it in a month, two months or longer, think about how long you’ve been living, the way you are living and how long it took you to get there. So just give yourself that grace. Okay. Don’t beat up on yourself and just stay off that scale because it’s going to fluctuate and that’s okay.

Because things happen in our body. Just try to focus on the end goal. Right. Just trying to focus on where you want to be, be like I’m farther than I was before I started, because I did. And give yourself that. Right. And then if you’re like super busy and you’re working a lot and you have all these things on your plate, you know, that can be stressful.

So trying to make sure that you allow yourself that grace be like, you know, I did do my workouts today. I did eat accordingly. I got my sleep in, but you know, yesterday I did. And so then you go jump on the scale because you’re feeling guilty because you missed a day. No, don’t, don’t, don’t do that. You know?

It’s okay. Things happen. You just pick bike back up, have you get, get your mind. Right. And be like, I missed yesterday, but I’m good. Today. My day got away from me, had this project I had to work on and everything which has gone, but I’m back on track and let’s get back on it. That doesn’t mean jump on the scale and beat yourself up, you know, and have a phone.

No, you’re going to be okay, because then that’s going to put you in that downward spiral. We don’t want. Okay. Right. Then that also goes to finding any emotional outlet. Okay. So if you do find yourself getting on the scale, because you know, you haven’t really broken that habit yet that we want you to break and you want to too, because you don’t want to get on it because you don’t like the way it makes you feel at this point.

Right. And. Finding something to do so that you don’t do the emotional eating distress, eating. Okay. Make a list of things that you enjoy doing as an outlet so that whenever you do find yourself in a font, boom, pick up a book, right. Work out at that point where I don’t be excessive. But just finding a nice list of things that you can do to incorporate, so that you’d be like, okay, I’m not feeling good right now.

I’m not going to go into a sucralose close and I’m not going to be super stressed out or sad or any of these things, because I just feel like I didn’t hit my goals for my weight. Right. So just being able to do that, cause then you don’t want to get into that emotional eating cause then, then you’ll, it’ll backtrack even more.

Cause they know, start feeling guilty about that. Okay. So just figuring out what you’re going to do for that, whatever that is different for everybody. There are definitely things that you can figure out. So just remember to stay positive, give yourself grace. Try not to get on your scale. I mean, throw it away if possible or just put it somewhere hidden and just don’t.

Right. Just don’t use it. There’s so many other things you can do. Just give yourself that grace. And remember it did not happen overnight. You can just focus on the goal at the end and have any emotional outlet, make a nice list. And don’t forget, you can pick up a free guide for seven day. Plant-based eating just to help you give your kid.

All right until next time.

Bye guys. Thank you so much for coming by and don’t forget to subscribe and until next time love in light.

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