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Tag: health

6 Hacks for Burnout and Overwhelm

6 Hacks for Burnout and Overwhelm

Burnout and overwhelm are often the byproducts of chronic stress. When you’re overwhelmed, prolonged stress leads to juggling numerous thoughts and tasks simultaneously, leaving you drained. Burnout, on the other hand, results from extreme mental and physical exhaustion, adversely impacting your work, motivation, and overall 

Unraveling the Mystical Connection Between Diet and Mental Health

Unraveling the Mystical Connection Between Diet and Mental Health

Introduction There’s an old saying, “You are what you eat.” It might sound clichéd, but this adage holds an undeniable truth, particularly when it comes to our mental and physical health. There’s an intricate connection between the food we consume and how we feel. Diet 

Does a plant based diet really help with health conditions? Here is how

Does a plant based diet really help with health conditions? Here is how

Eating a plant based diet can help reverse, prevent, or stop chronic disease as you also lose weight. Even chronic disease as in cancer has seen results with consuming more of a whole food plant based lifestyle.

Decrease red meat and processed food

Increase physical activity

Obtain a healthy weight for your body as its  different for everyone 

Add in a plant based diet

Reduce alcohol and smoking along with other lifestyle factors will help improve your risk for developing chronic diseases.


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7 Day Plant Based Challenge


Hey there friends hope you’re having a great day. So today we’re going to talk about some more, the amazing benefits of eating plant based. And one of the things is that we know that it can help with, you know, chronic disease and like health condition. Okay. There’s been tons of reviews and tons of research.

And so there is definitely the evidence out there. So that’s just another reason for us to fill our plates up with more whole food. Just that natural goodness. It has so many benefits, right. And a lot of times, not even like a specific condition, it could be multiple things. So even if we talk about, say cancer, Right.

There’s been long reviews on how diet, you know, your nutritional intake, physical activity, even cancer prevention and the survival. It’s just so much better when you are eating more plant bakes. Right? So making whole grains and like your vegetables and your fruits, your legumes, a major part of your diet, like they even say that they want you to be more plant-based.

So there’s so many options to reduce your risk, right? To protect against certain cancers and also that correlates to your weight gain. So if you have excess weight that goes back to it as well, being overweight or obese will also give you a higher risk and it’s linked to 13 types of cancer, right? And these cancers will make up 40% of all the cancers diagnosed in United States each year.

It can cause change in our body. That’s going to help lead to cancer. Okay. Any changes are going to have long lasting inflammation and higher than normal levels of insulin. So it’s going to increase our risk. So that’s another reason. So it like correlates back and forth. So everything we do, like as intricate as our body is right.

Everything is connected. Look, there’s evidence that most eyes that protect against cancer are going to be rich in plant foods. I cannot even say this enough, like all that fiber in there, it’s just good for us. I mean, plant foods will give you the macronutrients that you need and the micronutrients it’s so complete.

It’s so good. We just, we just like with anything we eat, you want that variety. I mean, you wouldn’t just want to eat the same piece of animal product all the time. Right. So we want to have the righty of it and to get that fiber. Which is going to be unprocessed, right? We want, it’s going to give us foods as Richard nutrients, that dietary fiber, it’s also going to be lower in fat.

That’s why we want the whole foods because you still can get anything processed. So just because you are on a quote plant-based diet or vegan, You still gonna have food that’s high in fat. So that’s how we always want to emphasize the whole food. Plant-based right. A staying away from the refined sugar, which could be like white bread, pasta.

And look, there’s so many kinds of pastas. Now you can go down the aisle and there’s like everything down there. There’s lentil, pasta, there’s chickpea, pasta, um, cassava pasta, you know, They have one for you because we know people like pasta, right? It’s veggie pasta, and some of them will still be mixed with like some white flour per se.

So you just read the labels. We always want to read our labels and figure out what it is, right. Or just limit that, that could be your side dish. So instead of having the huge pate of pasta with a side salad, flip that and have a big, beautiful salad with loads of vegetables, some. See, I mean, you can go to town and just put just about anything in a salad, grab a bowl and just put all kinds of yummy.

Goodness. Just, just fill your bowl up with a rainbow. Right? Do I say, eat the rainbow when you do that, you’re having so much variety on your plate and it’s just feeding your body with all that nutrients and your mind, your body, your soul is all going to just love it. Love it. Right. Just go in there, just go into the store or a market or wherever it is that you’re getting your food from.

And just, just try something different. Also just pick up a variety of things. Like the next time you go in, go into wherever you’re getting your groceries at, just pick up something different that you’ve never tried be like something, you know, sometimes there’s something that you’ve always wanted to get, but you just like, I don’t know how to cook it.

Try that. I mean, there’s so many recipes out there who does a lot of recipe. Just go and just experiment. Just have fun in the kitchen. Okay. Just do that. Right. So basically, yeah. So reducing that refined sugar, that can be like a sticky point for people sometimes. So if you have a big plate of pasta in the little side salad, now let’s flip that.

So even some cause of cancers might be environmental factors like our lifestyle, um, also behaviors and genetics. And honestly, like it’s a small percentage of people that want of getting cancer come from our genes. It’s like five to 10% that might come from our parents. That’s a little number. So when you think about everything else, it’s our lifestyle things that we’re doing.

So just being aware of that, right. Just always just being so mindful of everything that we do from day to day. Right. So just being aware of those behaviors or exposures. So like I say, sometimes, you know, it runs in the family, but not all the time. Sometimes is that you have the same behaviors and patterns like tobacco, tobacco is definitely a risk factor, right?

So if multiple people smoke in your family say, and a bunch of you come up with lung cancer is not necessarily that lung cancer technically runs in the family. It’s that maybe that a lot of you have the same behalf behaviors and patterns that you’re mimicking of each other, that you’re learning from each other.

You for one can be the change in your family. Okay. I know I got the veterinary because I feel so strongly about it. Right? It’s like these generational curses that we are taught and learn from person to person, generation to generation, you know, whatever happened in the paths. We could leave it there and we can be the change.

Right. So just because you are sitting here and listening to this, we all know people with cancer, right. And some things are. Right. So doing the necessary actions to take. So you can be like, Hey, I’m not going to be the one that smoke in my family. You know? And sometimes it starts really young. You know, everything starts young, even with our children, they see these things, they hear these things and they’re, they’re learning, always learning, even as adults, we are always learning and taking in things, right.

Even listening to these podcasts all the time you’re taking in so much information. Right. So what we’re going to do is be that changed. So we don’t have to follow. We can be the leader and lead our next generation down a different path so they can improve their health and everything that there is out there.

One reason I believe in helping people eat a plant based diet and reversing heart disease

One reason I believe in helping people eat a plant based diet and reversing heart disease

One reason I love helping people with their health is to help improve our community and reverse heart disease. Plant based diets reduce risk factors for developing heart disease. Eating plant based will help lower your cholesterol, lower in saturated fat, and increase fiber intake. 

How to manifest your desires to meet your goals for weight loss and to improve your health.

How to manifest your desires to meet your goals for weight loss and to improve your health.

Lets talk about manifesting goals and desires to help you lose weight, Lower blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, and other health conditions. Know your hopes, dreams, and goals that you desire. ⁣ Ask for what you want.  Co-creating because it’s a collaboration between you and 

Can I protect my mental health during the holidays? Here are tips to help relieve stress and mental health over the holidays

Can I protect my mental health during the holidays? Here are tips to help relieve stress and mental health over the holidays

In this episode on the podcast we talk about relieving stress, depression, anxiety, and mental health that can happen over the holidays. Try these to help relive stress and to help with mental health.

Talking to god and loved one. Share your feelings 

Letting go of memories that no longer serve you

Get rest and enough sleep

Meditate, pray, and journal to help process your emotions

Indulge and give yourself a break without over indulging

Helping others out can help take focus off of yourself



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Hey there friends. Happy holidays. So I celebrate Christmas and it’s Christmas today and how they normally can be filled with so much joy and goodness. And you just feel so grateful for just like all the things you’re with loved ones and just it’s brings peace, prosperity, just everything. Right. But it’s not like that for everybody.

Okay. Like for example, all these years, well, the last two years, oh, two years has been the two years. Hasn’t it? You know, with COVID all the losses that we experienced, all the changes. I mean, it’s been pretty traumatic experience for all of us in one way or another. You might’ve lost somebody, you might’ve lost.

In calm. If you had a job that was affected a business that closed down and you had to pivot you, dishes have been a learning process, just all the things, just so many things that have happened. And then on top of that, you know, even without COVID, the holidays can be a stressful time. Sometimes it can give you anxiety.

Sometimes people feel depressed, it can just come at you. It can just hit you really hard. Okay. So we’re just going to go over just some things that can just. Us maneuver through this time, just feeling just a little bit more joy, right? It’s a little bit more happiness on our heart, which is ultimately what we want.

Right. That joy, that peace. So just trying to move through it. And one of the best things we can do is share, right. Just sharing how we’re feeling. Instead of keeping it bottled up. That just makes you think about it more. It can just sit on your mind more, just finding someone to talk to. If you have a loved one that you trust talking to that person, if you have a therapy.

Maybe trying to get an appointment with your therapist. I mean, it’s Christmas today. So if he was able to do that before or even next week, whenever you can fit it in and just ultimately just being able to talk to God, right? Cause he’s there he is listening. He knows what you’re going through. And lot of times just got to ask.

Lord, can you just help me find peace, homie, find a way to get through this time. I need your strength and just lean on him. Okay. Just lean on him. Cause that’s what he wants. He wants you to just surrender to him and just lean on and he will help you not saying that you’re going to feel a co do a complete turnaround in the next five minutes, but just allowing yourself to feel and helping letting God help give you that guidance to work through it.

It will definitely. Right. So just getting it out, making sure it was somebody that you trust. So don’t just, so if there’s somebody that you having a conversation with and you don’t really trust that person, for whatever reason, you don’t have to talk to them, but sometimes that person might be an outlet for whatever reason.

So if you feel compelled. Then it’s okay. You never know. Sometimes people come into our lives to link us to another person. So you don’t even know, you might just find yourself talking and his thing should start coming out and it’s okay. And if that does happen, that was for a reason, maybe it just needed that release.

Maybe it’s a neutral party and maybe that’s just, what did you have. And that’s perfectly. Okay. So don’t feel any kind of way if that does happen, you know, just being more aware and mindful. If you can talk to God first and talk to a loved one, but if it’s a neutral party, that’s okay. Because maybe that neutral party was for a reason.

Right. And another thing we can do is try to let go of memories. Sometimes, you know, memories can do some crazy things. You know, you love your family, but sometimes we like, Ooh, cha. You know, and sometimes it’s like that. So if you have a bad memory from maybe a couple of holidays ago, but every time you see somebody trigger something, just try your best to let it go.

Sometimes like easier said than done, but just trying to do that. That’s also, you can give that to God. Giving yourself permission to just let it go and be like, Lord, I know what I’m about to walk into this dinner right now. My family is going to be an interesting couple of days, but I got this. You gave me this train to work through this.

Cause sometimes we need it. Right. It’s okay. We need that. So you can take a couple deep breaths, do some prayers and meditation, you know, and just. It’s a new day. It’s going to be a new day. It’s going to be a new memory. I’m coming into this with a positive mindset. And if I feel triggered for whatever reason, maybe I can have a civil conversation or, you know, maybe we can just come to an understanding, right.

Just try a better. Come at it from a different perspective and you never know it might go well. All right. So just putting that positive energy into the air and they might match you with that positive energy. They like, Hey, this is over, right. We good. We going to start over. Right. And they might be like, you’re right.

We don’t do this fresh. All right. So just give that a try on sometimes again, it can feel a little hard, but you got this. I know that. And making sure that we are rail arrested because you know, sometimes when we’re tired, that makes things that much more harder. And then a lot of times, if you have a lot on your plate, you’re running around, you’re not sleeping.

You know, there’s all kinds of things going on. Maybe have dinner party, do you have events? And there’s just one thing after another. And sometimes the time just starts running together. And then if you have assignments, you’re trying to catch up on giving yourself that space to relax and get the much needed.

That is required. We’ll make a world of difference. All right. It just will, because you will feel so relieved, you know, and then whenever you’re going into a situation that might be stressful, you’ll eat, it will affect you differently. Just like when you’re tired, sometimes you’re more snapping is because you need to sleep.

Your body needs that rest. Okay. So trying your best to map out your time where you can get whatever amount of hours of sleep that you need. If that seven hours, if that’s eight hours. Whatever is optimal for you. Try your best to get that in. So set those boundaries. Ladies set those boundaries. So if you’re like, I need my seven hours just be like, at this time I’m done at 11 o’clock I’m down.

So I gotta get up in a couple hours to start cooking, or I gotta do whatever it is I gotta do. Just making sure you time block and get that situated so that you don’t go over it. Try your best and you will feel great. And back to the meditation and the journaling. It’s still great to do that whenever it’s the holidays, especially because there are so many emotions, sometimes that are going up, especially if you’ve lost, loved ones.

You know, when you’re missing them or, you know, all the gatherings and that’s good for memories too. Just getting it all out. Whether it’s positive, whether it’s negative, you could, you know, pray for 20 minutes. You can meditate for 20 minutes. You can journal for 20 minutes. Just give yourself this amazing block and just get it all out.

You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to, or you can reread it, you can write it down, get it out, and then keep doing that, you know, just like pictures and it’s something. So if you do decide, you want to read back over it. That’s okay. Right. And that, that helps with that relieving, whatever mentally is going on with you during the holiday.

So whether you’re feeling stressed out, whether you’re feeling a little sad, depressed, postpartum, all of these things, they’re just more tools that you could have just to help you pull through. Right. Just help you pull through, you know, it just helps pull this stuff out of you. Cause you know, sometimes we need an outlet.

So like for instance, it’s okay to indulge a little bit over the holidays, if it’s safe for you, if it’s a safe space. So if you know that you have a food addiction or that you have an addiction to a sub. Then you want to avoid it, but if you don’t epidemic, you know what I’m saying? If it’s okay, then you can have a little bit of sweets or do the thing just don’t go overboard.

Because if you are more prone to having an addiction to it, when you have these emotions going on, then you’ll go overboard and it could trigger you. It could send you down a spiral. So being able to meditate and journal and get these things out and talking to God, it will help. So it’s a different form of having an outlet.

Right? You can also listen to podcasts, read, you know, get just given yourself this little time, even though it might be hectic in your home or wherever you want. And this is what’s going on. Just, you could set that timer set that time apart, just to read a little bit this into a podcast, even if you’re on travel, right.

Just still doing those things, being like, if you’re on the beach, I read a book, you know, just listen to something because even now you physically moved to a new spot. Your mind is still with you. So you might feel stressed out me, like, be like, mm, I got to get out of here. Okay. And you hop on a plane and you go somewhere.

Your mind is still there. So ultimately it’ll be a little bit more relaxing because you’re in a different scenery in your, out from your home, but your thoughts are still going to follow you. So you still need a way to deal with that at the end of the day. So it’ll distill help if you’re laying on a beach or something like that.

And you are listening to something positive and motivating or you’re reading or you’re going for a walk. It adds to it, but it will still help you process everything that’s going on. Also being able to help others, you know, that kindness and that compassion that you’re giving out makes you feel wonderful as well.

So with one thing you can do is to focus on other people so that you’re not just thinking about yourself, not saying that not going on with you is going to be invalid. It just helps you decompress those feelings. And those be like, cause he was you’re stressed out. You’d be like, But I feel so good that I’m helping them out.

Right. So you could volunteer your times like a local shelter, visit a nursing home, or just looking for some other way to help. Or even if you don’t want to do charity, you could also help out a loved one, help a family member, something like that. And it’ll take the pressure off of you as well, and be like, Hey, do you need any help?

And it makes you feel good and it makes them feel good. They’ll give you a nice hug. If it’s your family member, you know, all those things. And then it makes you feel that much more grateful for what you have. So especially if you’re volunteering somewhere, it is makes you appreciate things a little more.

That’s not saying. Those emotions are going to go away. It’s just, it’ll also help you feel, right? So it’s, it might be that simple mind shift of focusing on other people is enough to help you start to feel better. Right? It’s just all these little things and you just start doing them and then you might be like, yeah, you know, I’m feeling a little better today.

One day at a time, if you feel better today, feel better than today than yesterday. That’s all you need. You know, just taking that one day at a time, you don’t want to feel overwhelmed cause I’ll just add to it. So just being like, this is what I’m going to do today for myself. So I’m just going to go volunteer.

And then that, then that simple mind shift is going to help you out. All right. And about feeling overwhelmed. Always know that it’s okay to say no. Period and a story. If you need to say no, say no and try not to feel guilty about it, just do not feel guilty about it. You are not required to do anything for anyone.

If you do not want to, if you want to great, if it’s in your time and you snack on her, stress you out or make you feel more overwhelmed and you have that. Then it’s okay. You do that. But if you feel as stressed out and you’re talking to yourself, like, I don’t know if I’m going to do this. I got to rearrange my schedule and why they ask me this last minute, then it’s okay.

You don’t have to do it. You just say no boundaries. You just say no, and they’re going to be okay. Even if at first they’re like, but why aren’t you here? And they try to make you feel and they try to make you feel guilty. It’d be like, this is for me. I don’t feel like I’m that up to this right now. And if you love me, you’ll understand.

Okay. And they should understand. And if they don’t, they’re going to be okay. All right. They going to be okay, because we all need to do a far ourselves. Cause if you don’t take care of yourself, ain’t nobody else gonna take care of you. You hear me? That’s the way it goes. You got to start with doing you.

And when you start taking better care of yourself or the people will see that and they will give that to you. And if they do now, Then you might need to rearrange your circle a little bit. It’s okay. You might need to. And sometimes it happens. You keep growing and they grow with you. Sometime people fall off.

That’s that shouldn’t, I’m not saying that’s your goal, but you need to prioritize your health and yourself, whatever it is that you need to do. Okay. And they should love you enough and respect you enough to give you the space and whatever it is that you need to happen. So if you like. Man. I just, I just need to chill right now.

I just have to relax at his need this time. I only have 30 minutes to an hour to myself. I really can’t do that. You understand? They should understand. Okay. They should, but you know what you gotta do if they don’t, I’m just saying, right. Give your, give yourself that permission. I will tell you this all the time, give yourself the permission to do whatever you need to do for your.

Creating healthy boundaries, healthy self-care, you know, healthy compassion for yourself, all of these things, right? Sometimes we have to learn to do this because we’re not used to doing it because we’re so used to giving and giving and giving. Sometimes it’s hard for people to receive, you know, it happens, you know, like if somebody gives you a compliment or somebody tells you something, sometimes you have to teach her.

To accept it. And it’s the same thing with self care and taking, you know, when we take care of ourselves, sometimes we have to learn to do that and it’s okay. It is never too late. Start today if you need to, because you know what, 2022 is about to be here and we go into 20, 22 with that attitude of self-love and self-compassion and all the things.

All right. You hear me? Right. Okay. And just managing your time. Not trying to do too much, just knowing whatever that is. Be honest with yourself. Okay. Just being honest with yourself about trying not to take on too much, prioritizing your time and activities. All right. And you got this. All right. So I hope that helped you and whoever needed to listen to this message today.

I hope it found you. I hope that you was led here to listen to this and it touched you in some way. All right. I’m going to remind you about. Program that is launching in January and stress is a big component of it. So it’s a total wellbeing academy, which doesn’t just cover nutrition, which is super important, but it also goes over stress and our mental health, because at the end of the day, it drives us away.

So there’s a really big component of that in that. So if you’re signing, find yourself being stressed out, Or stress eating any of these things. All cell this program is for you, whether you want to lose weight, you’re tired of all these fad diets, and you’d be like, you’re not about that life anymore, and you didn’t want it to be sustainable.

And also just to increase energy in any health conditions that you want. Reverse total wellbeing academy is for you. All right, guys. So I want you to go to Clarissa forward slash TWA Clarissa forward slash TWA. And go ahead. Come over if you are ready. All right. So I will see you soon and do not forget to leave a written review.

I really appreciate it. It also helps others as well until next time he wants you as a way to lose weight without feeling so Congress, having ways to cope with stress without turning to food for even having increased energy to take on the day because your health concerns are affecting her. That’s why I created total wellbeing academy, where I empower you to trust more in your self and spirit, how to cope with stress, any more healthy way through meditation.

I will also teach you how to lose weight naturally and keep it all while nourishing your mind, body, and spirit. It will also get to the root cause of your condition instead of suppressing the symptom. I know what it feels like to be super stressed and feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to give extra focus to your health.

Imagine if you can wake up energized and not feel hungry or deprived from being on a restricted fad diet, that’s unsustainable. Just taking the time to put yourself first and breathe more easily because you know that you have the tools to live a long life. You will love your body more. You’ll understand the connection between quality food and your effects on your mind.

You will walk away with a renewed lifestyle that makes you question diet culture. You’ll know how to effectively manage your emotions and your stress and the best. You’ll watch your health through birth so you could live longer for yourself and your loved ones. So if you’re ready, go to Clarissa. forge last TWA again. That is Clarissa forward slash TWA.

Bye guys. Thank you so much for coming by and don’t forget to subscribe and leave a written review until next time. Love and light.

How can I set my daily routine? Here are tips how

How can I set my daily routine? Here are tips how

On this episode we go over how to set up a daily routine to help set you up success for your day. Whether you want to lose weight or take steps to improve your health this is for you. Subtle shifts every day  Find joy 

What is one way proven to reduce inflammation in the body? Here is how

What is one way proven to reduce inflammation in the body? Here is how

What is one way that is proven by science to reduce inflammation in the body? Nutrition and the diet we choose to eat. Chronic disease and inflammation  What food will reduce inflammation  What foods increase inflammation Much Love Clarissa  Transcript  So today we’re going to 

How can you reverse heart disease and other chronic disease on your own? Here is a tip how

How can you reverse heart disease and other chronic disease on your own? Here is a tip how

In this episode we will talk about reversing heart disease and chronic disease with nutrition.

How eating a plant based diet can save your life.

Saturated fats, trans fats, and cholesterol factors.

Is heart disease reversible?

When does your body start building up plaque?

Much Love


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Do you wish there was a way to lose weight without feeling so hungry, having ways to cope with stress,

without turning to food, or even having increased energy to take on the day because your health

concerns are affecting your life. That’s why I created total wellbeing academy, where I empower you to

trust more in yourself and spirit, how to cope with stress, any more healthy way through meditation.

I’ve also teach you how to lose weight naturally and keep it off. I know what it’s like to be super stressed

and feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to give extra focus to your health. I imagine if you could

wake up energized and not feel hungry or deprived for being on a restricted fad diet, that’s

unsustainable. Just taking the time to put yourself first and breathe more easily. You will love your body

more. You’ll understand the connection between quality food and your lifestyle. You will walk away with

a renewed lifestyle that makes you question diet culture, and the best part you wash your health

reverse. So you can live longer for your loved ones and yourself. So if you’re ready to change your life, go

to Clarissa Booker forward slash TWA collaborate the book or forward slash TWA.

Welcome to the miracles. And one is podcast. My name is Clarissa Booker and I’m the life and wellness

cook, and also be expert. I am so happy and grateful that you are here. We’ll be discussing all things,

health and wellness, feeling your power in loving yourself more while connecting your mind audience

here always know that you can manifest, but every desire, your graded wellbeing in your life, because I

believe that miracles are for every month.

Hey there, friends. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Yes. It’s always wonderful to see

family to enjoy the festivities. Just all the things. All right. So we’re going to kick off a series on why you

should go plant face. And as I was saying before, you could take that as being vegan, vegetarian, or just

eating a predominantly plant-based way of eating. And today we’re going to talk about how plant based

eating can help with disease prevention. So who loves to go from this sad way of eating, which is a

standard American diet, and that is kind of a good term for it, because it will make you sad when you get

sick to a whole food plant base. And I say whole food, because it’s not just about eating plant-based

right, because you could just get all kinds of processed meats. And even though it’s, plant-based, it’s still

not the best, right?

Because it’s still going to be highly processed. And the goal is to try to move away from as much

processed food as we can have. Right. Cause if it’s a plant-based meat, think about what it had to go

through to have you get that taste or make it feel similar. Right. So have like extra additives in it, like a

lot of extra sugar, salt oil, and then those extra calories that we don’t need coming from different

sources. Right? It’s different if it’s calorie density in is coming from your whole grains, legumes and

veggies and all those things. But whenever it’s like sugar calories, it’s just a different thing. So that goes

by back to it, not just being about counting your calories, all about the quality of the food that you are

consuming, but it’s a nice segue. If you are trying to go more plant-based and if that’s how you want to

take the route, then by all means you can start that way. But then over time, reduce the, the process

meats, right. Just kind of reducing that. And that might take you some time, but it is a step in the right

direction, right? Because at the end of the day, we do want to try to have the whole food, the whole

food way, right?

Because there has been countless studies done that do show when we consume more processed foods,

meat, dairy, and just different animal products in general, it is a major contributor to chronic disease.

Right. And that’s just the way it is. And then, you know, that can lead you to prescriptions. Those

medications aren’t really healing you. Right. They’re just suppressing those symptoms. Right. But we’re

going to get to the root cause and just start healing. This is going to go back to our nutrition. It’s one of

the major components, right guys. And so we have the power to improve ourselves, right? We can, our

health, a lot of times in our hands, that’s why they call them lifestyle diseases. All right. So we can

prevent stop. And sometimes, you know, a lot of cases reverse it. I mean, even in one study, there was

participants with moderate to severe heart disease.

There weren’t any surgeries or any stints or anything like that, you know, just simple diet and lifestyle

changes. And within a few weeks, 90% of the chest pain diminished. And after just a month, blood flow

to the heart improved after a year, even severely blocked arteries reopened, okay. That is the power of

your diet, right? What you eat. And I just want to say the word diet, you hear me say lifestyle nutrition,

because that’s what it is. It is a lifestyle I don’t ever want you to think of anything. It’s like a diet and

that’s starts messing with your head, right? And plant-based diets want a benefit in your heart because

there’s no dietary cholesterol, right? It’s gone very little saturated, fat, lots of fiber, all this stuff, right?

The meat, the cheese and the eggs is packed with cholesterol, right? It gives it to you, the saturated fat,

while this stuff is what is going to give you a plaque, right?

That’s gonna give you that buildup in your arteries. And then eventually it’s gonna lead to heart disease.

So in it takes, right. It doesn’t just happen overnight. Even if there’s somebody who had a sudden cardiac

death, when a death occurs within about an hour or so of a symptom that’s onset it’s that you didn’t

even realize that you are a risk and it’s too late, but it was building up and growing inside of your body.

You know, it’s like all the years that you’ve been eating a certain way, all of the years that you’ve been

sedentary or the lack day of, or that built up stress, or somebody is just sitting there when they might

get praised for being a workaholic and it’s stressing them out like crazy. And then they die young. All of

these things affect you, right? They affect your health. So it was never just, it happened today.

I mean, because sometimes you see people live their life in a certain manner and they’ll be like, well, I

just went to the doctor and he said he was fine, but do you really want to wait until it gets to the point

that you get a diagnosis? Gnosis you don’t want that. You want to check that now. All right. Look. Even

more than 27 years of data, we’ll link eating more animal fat to higher risk of stroke. And the fat from

vegetable sources lowers the risk. I mean, you could just look it up, right? So is it really worth it going

and just filling your whole plate up? You know, it’s, it’s, it’s usually the reverse a lot of times when you

go out or when you, somebody is making some dinner, sometimes the meat, like the animal product is

the center of the plate.

And there’ll be like, sprinkles of broccoli. You see that, like the broccoli’s like the garnish instead of

having that reverse white making about 80% of your plate plan phase with some legumes on there, the

vegetables on there, just some starchy veggies, all those things. And then if you want the animal protein

making that smaller, maybe like the Palm of your hand, or just a lot smaller, right? If that’s, if you want

to add that in and the earlier you do the better. So even if you have children trying to get them to

incorporate more plant-based foods, you know, cause the earlier you start it, the more, the more of you

lower your risk of heart disease, right? Lower your inflation, lower your LDL cholesterol oil levels. So

pretty much we have a choice, right? Our life is full of choices. It’s about that journey, right?

And so you still can enjoy food and make everything yummy, you know, and it’s all, you know, and that’s

not to say you can’t overindulge once in a blue moon. Right? So just being mindful of what we put on

our fork, right. To avoiding the trans fats, the saturated fats, the cholesterol heavy foods, right. All that

stuff is going to clog up our arteries. And when you think about it, it starts when you’re a chick, when

you’re a kid right. In childhood, because depending on how you’re growing up and when you’re eating,

you’re already starting to get those arteries going right. Are starting to get those little fatty streaks in

there. Some children by the time they’re 10 Ari have these fatty streaks. Right. So then when you’re old

enough, it’s not whether he wants to prevent it. It’s whether you want to start reversing it.

Okay. And then you can go even farther to say that when we are pregnant, how we choose to eat, right.

Sometimes we just want to eat whatever we want just because we’re pregnant. Then we know that

everything that we consume goes to our child, that we are carrying. So that’s also another reason to just

be mindful of the food that we’re consuming. Not saying that anybody would ever do anything on

purpose, but it’s just that you’re sometimes you’re just not aware sometimes just in the moment when

you’re having these cravings, you like, let let do. And we had it, let me have that right there. Okay. And

that’s okay. Sometimes of course, enjoy and appreciate the gift that she was given by God, because it is

a blessing. Okay. But just, you know, being mindful of their day to day activities, you know, it’ll and just

make you enjoy everything even more so for us to reduce our LDL or, you know, the bad cholesterol is

decreasing or removing those trans fats, right.

And those trans fats coming from your processed foods naturally from meat, your dairy, saturated, fat,

all of these things is coming from where mainly your animal products and your junk foods, you know,

those quick fix things, you know, things that a lot of times you were told that you need. And first of all,

you need protein from everything. I know everybody’s like protein, protein, protein, and plant products

still have protein in it. That’s another story. That’s another day. But, and you’ll notice that people who

traditionally eat more whole food plants, you know, they do not suffer as much from the chronic

diseases. And you cannot count the number of people I know, or that have been clients of mine that

have had a health condition, you know, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, all the things. I

mean, sometimes you just plug one out and put it in with the other, these lifestyle diseases, these


And then they start incorporating more plants on their plate. And for one, they start feeling absolutely

amazing. Whether you are concerned about disease, your weight, energy, just all the things. Once you

start incorporating this as a lifestyle, you will just notice that you start feeling amazing. And then you

might go to the doctor one day, they’d be like, oh, your blood pressure is looking good. It’d be like, and

there’ll be an enemy, like wonder what’s going on. Right. And it’d be like, I improve my life. Right. And I

feel absolutely amazing about it. So given the right conditions, the body is capable of healing itself.

These studies say that when patients stopped eating the artery, clogging diet, their bodies were able to

start dissolving away some of the plaque and start healing. It’s like, your body just wants to take care of

you. It wants to heal.

So as you were taking care of your children and your family and your loved ones, always remember to

put yourself first, right? We are so worried about taking care of everybody else. Sometimes we neglect

ourselves, right? Sometimes we’re busy working. We have these projects, we’re trying to do delegate

tasks off to other people. If you need to, do you have a team? Let some of them handle the things free

up that time for yourself. Right. You know, you got, tell your kids, look, mommy needs a minute. I need a

minute right now, your husband, your spouse, whoever it is. Right. But you got to put yourself first

because ultimately your body will just start opening up, you know? And you don’t necessarily need the

drugs. Sometimes people go on drugs because they refuse to do the lifestyle changes. Right. And then

sadly, we still see them sometimes pass away, 10 years gone off their life.

15 years gone off their life. Right. But you so deserve it. I want that for you. Okay. And you can have it.

It’s just taking some simple little things, just stopping with one day at a time. Right? I say, give yourself

grace. But at the same time, you gotta kick yourself in the butt. If you need it. Right. Sometimes you’ll be

like, I’m going to give myself all the grace. Okay. And that Grace May last forever. I mean, do the work

start making the changes you need to do that. You know, you need to do, or just talk to a coach. If you

have to, you know, if you cannot do on your own, I get it. Right. Things get in the way, especially if

you’re in a home and you’re the only one that wants to make the change. Everybody can benefit from it.

But you be strong enough.

You be that one to start the cycle, right? You be the one to stop, whatever that is, that needs to be

broken. You, you rewrite it. You rewrite history started going, you start that up and just make some

changes. Right? Look today, or sometime this week, just start with one meal. If you’re new, right. Put

starches and fruit to the center of your plate, right? Enjoy non starchy and leafy veggies, different

amounts, just, you know, have a variety, eat the rainbow, right. Have a multiple of different flavors on

there. Right? Um, carbohydrate, rich, whole grains, right? Beans, fruits, starchy veggies, just all the

things. Just get a nice variety on there and expect to eat more food. Right? Don’t deprive yourself, eat

more. Your body will love it. Whole a minimally processed plant foods are dense in nutrients and not

calories, right? So you don’t that it goes back.

You don’t need to count your calories, just eat nutrient dense foods, right. Foods that, and it’ll fill you

up. You just can, you can eat as much as you want. You don’t worry about it, right. No need to do the

county and just make it enjoyable. You don’t need to add any extra oils, you know, just worry about

enjoying your, just try to avoid or minimize, you know, like bleach flowers, the bread, like white bread,

white pasta dairy, which can, you know, a lot of people are lactose intolerant and they don’t even realize

it because they’re just told to drink milk ever since you’re little eggs, the meat, poultry, seafood refined

sweeteners, white rice, the whole food plant-based diet is going to be centered on whole unrefined or

minimally refined plant foods. Right? It’s fruits, veggies, whole grains legumes, you know, and it excludes

or minimizes the meat that includes chicken or fish, but you do if you’re not.

So it is different than being a complete vegan. Cause they’re not going to eat any animal products at all.

But if you’re not ready to be vegan, you can do whole food. Plant-based right. Where if you want to have

minimally animal products, you can, but we want to do is remove the processed foods. And sometimes

when you’re vegan, you still eat the full meat, the processed meat. And that’s what we want to try to

avoid. Okay. Cause I was, I was saying it has all the little additives and the sugars and all the things in it,

the oils. Okay. So I hope that helped. We’re going to do a series on plant based eating over the next, um,

week or so. So he can let me know any questions you might have. I would love to know and don’t forget

to leave a written review. I love to see them and also make sure you put your name on the waitlist for

the total wellbeing academy. That was again, a Bitly forward slash T w a waitlist until next time.


Tips to lower hypertension naturally. Lower your blood pressure with these 6 lifestyle choices

Tips to lower hypertension naturally. Lower your blood pressure with these 6 lifestyle choices

Today we discuss tips to lower blood pressure naturally without medication. Lifestyle hacks that you can implement that will not derail your life but help you live a longer life. Weight loss and journaling Nutrition Smoking and alcohol consumption Stress management Exercise and moving your