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What is one way proven to reduce inflammation in the body? Here is how

What is one way that is proven by science to reduce inflammation in the body?

Nutrition and the diet we choose to eat.

Chronic disease and inflammation 

What food will reduce inflammation 

What foods increase inflammation

Much Love



 So today we’re going to talk a little bit about inflammation and how it relates to our health and nutrition, tying all that stuff together. All right. Because inflammation sometimes gets a bad rap. It’s not all bad because we do need it to help us. Right. Cause we have chronic inflammation and acute inflammation.

Okay. And chronic inflammation is what’s linked to our health conditions, heart disease. Atherosclerosis stroke type two diabetes immune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. And so nutrition plays a great deal in this more and more people are recognizing it as more studies come out as more research is done.

And this is absolutely wonderful. So once again, it’s showing that medication is not always the one. All right. So first we want to do whatever we can for our lifestyle. Right? And so inflammation plays a big part in our natural defense system. So our body’s trying to protect us from our body. Always wants to help us.

So generally is good for us, just too much of it is bad when it’s built up and he can’t go back down. So acute inflammation is when our body is injured in response, and we get that redness swelling in that pain. But then that chronic is when the immune system is an overdrive. And it’s like going on for a long period of time and it’s just going and going.

And this is a wave of white blood cells. It’s just attacking the healthy tissue and organs. And that can come from many places. We’re going to talk about nutrition and food today, but that also can come from increased stress that doesn’t go down. So, however it is your body’s in this heightened state of stress and it’s not able to go down.

So with the standard American diet, the sad diet. So you could eat something processed like a burger or something like that. And then you are getting all this saturated fat is increased, sugar, sodium, all the things. And so your body has to process this, right? And then in my bring apart diabetes, your cholesterol goes up and then it also is going to affect your leptin hormone, which is, is going to affect you feeling full.

You ever eat some kind of junk food or fast food, and you just feel like you just eating more of it, it affects this, it prevents you from feeling full and it’s also gets into your gut, your gut flora, and then it’s going to contribute to leaky gut. It’s just this whole trickle effect of everything that’s going on.

And then on top of that, you might feel happy at that moment, enjoying your food. Then what happens in like few hours? You just like crash, right? And then you might try that. Some kale or some spinach, but, but then you can’t really fix it cause it’s already in there your body so it has to go through that process of having it work through.

So that again goes back to being mindful of what you’re putting in your body, because the other food isn’t exactly going to offset what you already have in there. Right? So those diets that are high in refined starches, processed foods, sugar, trans fats, and low in those omegathree fatty acids, natural antioxidants and fiber. Can increase your systemic inflammation. Like there was a study done at the university of Maryland where they were eating good old McDonald’s, you know, where they have people have these McDonald’s meals and they gave them a happy meal. Right? The cute little ones, the smaller versions, right. That we give our children.

And so they looked at their blood in their blood vessels in their ability to open and close. And what they found was that the people within like four hours of eating this happy meal from McDonald’s had decreased their reactivity. And so pretty much the blood vessels were less compliant to move, which is not really good all right.

Cause we want our blood vessels to be able to pump in, get our blood circulating through to the body. And that’s just after one meal. And can you imagine if you eat in this manner all the time, how much harder your body has to work? How much harder it is for your heart to pump, which then you can better understand why our body gets clogged with plaque because your body hasn’t even had the chance to heal.

Because if you’re continuously putting this in our body, it’s just building up and building up more and it makes us so much harder for our heart to pump to take care of us, right? That’s not to say if you eat healthy the majority of time, and you’re not generally stressed out in all of these things in your lifestyles, potentially more than the healthy side that you eat.

Something once in a blue moon, it’s not going to have as big an effect on you. But if you are living your life in different manner, when you are chronically eating this way, and you’re super stressed and you’re smoking and you’re drinking, you’re doing all of these things. It’s going to have more of an impact on you.

So eating poor foods all the time and the chronic stress, all of these things is gonna lead to chronic inflammation. It’s going to affect your gut flora. So being able to try to avoid or limit as much as possible, your refined carbohydrates, refined, meaning like your white bread and, those yummy little breakfast pastries.

If you’re like rushing out the door or going to the local coffee shop and just grabbing those pastries, just trying to limit those. And those French fries, fried foods, just all the fried

 stuff, saturated fats, right. In everything just covered in grease. You know, we know that those are probably the best options for us and even stuff like soda, even if it’s a diet soda, it’s best to try to avoid that.

Like sugar sweetened drinks. Just try to swap it out for more water. We know which is good for us. Or just maybe like some tea, just try getting some good green tea in there is good. And the saturated fats coming from the meats like burgers and steaks, processed meats, all of those things and like the margins, just trying to avoid those as much as possible.

And of course, back flipping to as much whole food plant based as much as we can, even if you don’t want to be completely vegan, just even if you eat just like a little bit of animal products, right? If that’s your thing, but at the more, the better, if you can get 80% of your plate, Boom. That’s good. Right?

Because we know that these foods going to increase inflammation, then also weight gain is also a part of inflammation, which does not contribute to anything really good for us. Right. And even if you have inflammation and arthritis and your hormones are in play, this will still help. Right. Guys, just still increasing your plant-based foods and doing other activities to help reduce stress in your life.

So if you have a yoga. In meditation, practice all of these things together, just taking that time for yourself, right. That good self care is amazing and, it will benefit you so much. So these are just some simple swaps that you can do, right? Cause inflammation is the root cause of many chronic diseases, right.

And even besides the McDonald’s study on a more positive note, there were 46 individual studies from German researchers that looked at blood markers of inflammation called C-reactive protein CRP, which is used by doctors to get a sense of the level of inflammation occurring in the body. Right? And so it helps determine the risks of cardiovascular problems like heart attack.

And the researchers found that the CRP was consistently elevated in the ones who ate more meat and then decrease in the diets first in fruits and vegetables. I mean, it’s even in the science there and plants are naturally lower. In fat and toxins, which can damage the tissues and trigger inflammation.

They have phytonutrients in it which have anti-inflammatory properties. They help you heal more quickly and stop inflammation and phytonutrients are found in plant foods. So your. Fruits your beans, your grains, all those yummy things. It’s just about eating a balanced way. What you can accomplish that by just eating the rainbow, filling your plate up, which is colorful, different foods and vegetables and six phtyo nutrients that you can try to incorporate.

More of one being beta carotene was can help your immune system vision, your skin health, your bone health. You can get this from pumpkin sweet potato. Carrots cantaloupe to lycopene is can help with prostate cancer and heart health. You can get this from tomatoes, pink, grapefruit red peppers, watermelon, another one threes, low lutein, which can help with eye health cancer, heart health found in some collard greens, kale, spinach, broccoli, Brussels.

For reserveratol, which I know a lot of people hear about cause of wine, which is good for your heart health, cancer, lung health for inflammation, you can get that from some red wine peanuts, grapes, and anthocyanidins are good for your blood vessels. Um, you can get those in blueberries, blackberries plums, some red onions potatoes, you know, think like the red and purple berries

and lastly isoflavones, which can help with menopause, breast cancer, bone health, the inflammation can help lower your cholesterol. Can, you can get those, those soybeans. I know there’s this whole back and forth with soy, but you know, a lot of people do eat soy in there. Okay. But you know, it’s all on. What’s good for your body, right?

That’s just with anything, anything that you ever eat. I know sometimes people say, listen to your body, but that really is. I mean, sometimes we get these signs, but that’s going on with us, but we just choose to ignore them. Right. You’re like, oh, but it tastes so good or something like that. So just being mindful of what your body’s trying to tell you, just tuning in.

And if you’re getting a feeling that something’s off, then it’s okay. Even if it’s supposedly deemed healthy, you do not have to eat it. Guys just do not eat it. So I hope that helped you and whatever questions you might have. Please come over to the free community, the wellness community that is Bitly forward.

SLAs, well be in group or even just leave a written review on your favorite podcast platform, apple. Even if you don’t have an apple account, you can still go in there and leave written review, ask any question. Tell me your thoughts on it. I would love to know because I am here for you right until next time, which is a way to lose weight without feeling so hot.

Having ways to cope with stress without turning to food, to do with stress or even having increased energy to take on the day because your health concerns are affecting your life. That’s why I created total wellbeing academy, where I empower you to trust more in yourself and spirit, how to cope with stress, any more healthy way through meditation.

I will also teach you how to lose weight naturally and keep. While nourishing your mind, body and spirit. I know what it feels like to be super stressed and feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to give extra focus to your health. Imagine if you could wake up energized and not feel hungry or deprived for being on a restricted fad diet, that’s unsustainable.

Just taking the time to put yourself first and breathe more easily. You will love your body more. You’ll understand the connection between quality food and the effects on your mind and body. You will walk away with a renew lifestyle that makes you question diet. You’ll know how to effectively manage your emotions and your stress.

And the best part is you’ll watch your health reversely. You could live longer for yourself and your loved ones. So if you’re ready to change your life, go to Clarissa forward slash TWA. Again, that is Clarissa forward slash TWA. And the link is also down there in the show notes. If you just want to go ahead and click.

I cannot wait for you to reverse your health conditions, release stress, and reset your midline.

Bye guys. Thank you so much for coming by and don’t forget to subscribe and leave a written review until next time.

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