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4 Common plant based diet myths debunked

There is so much talk about plant based diets and being vegan. Lets debunk 4 myths that float around about plant based diets

Are plant based diets nutritious?

What about dairy?

Will I be hungry?

Where is the protein?

Plant based diets are amazing for a number of reasons so let’s talk about some fears attached to them.

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Hey there, friends. Today, we’re going to talk about myths related to eating plant based. Okay. Cause there’s a, quite a few of them that circulate around and we’re just going to get into that a little bit for one, some people think that when you eat plant-based you’re not getting enough nutrients into your diet.

When actually you get plenty, just like when you’re eating any way or whatever diets, so to speak is that you’re forming yourself around. It’s all about eating a variety of food. So when you eat a variety of plants, you are getting more than enough of everything that you need. And if you feel like you’re needing B12, then you can also get a supplement.

Like I take goalies, for example, um, I even have a promo code for that if you want down in the show notes, because I take two of them a day and it does me just fine. So basically you, we want to focus on eating a variety of plants that are minimally processed. That’s what it comes down to. Okay. Because a lots of people are nutrient deficient, right.

And that had nothing to do with being in a plant-based diet. Sometimes you could just eat fast food and junk food all day, but isn’t it funny that when you eat like that, sometimes nobody says anything to you. Right now, why is that? Okay. You can eat McDonald’s and chips and cake and just all of these things with has absolutely no nutritional value at all.

In fact, it does the quite opposite of harming your body and taking years away from your life compared to eating the plants. Right. But people don’t necessarily say that because they just want to eat it. And it doesn’t mean that it’s given you the nutrients that you need. So we need to recognize that and be honest with ourselves about what we are doing to our own self and taking responsibility for that.

All right. So basically it’s not about being vegan or any of the things you could eat, any of the diets. And there are so many, I mean, you can’t even list all the diets. I’m sure. By the time I’m recording this podcast, another one is formulating somewhere. That’s going to be a blog that pops up. Or somebody’s going to do something and it’s going to be like, Hey, this is new diet, right.

So it’s not about that. So however you choose to eat, make sure that it’s balanced. Look, if you are vegan, okay. And you eat a lot of processed food, that’s still not exactly the best bet for you is if that’s helping you transition. Okay. That’s one thing to do, but try not to focus on having a whole lot of processed food

okay. Cause it would make more sense for you to eat whole food plant-based but then have a piece of animal protein randomly throughout, you know, whenever compared to eating all those processed foods. So if the majority of your food is fresh veggies and you’ve got your fruits and your beans and all those, but you decide how a piece of chicken one day that will be better than you eating plant-based or vegan.

But adding a ton of processed foods. Okay. Get that. Right. So it’s all about the quality of the food. So it’s not that eating plant based is lacking the nutrients. It’s all, depending on bond, what you put on your plate. So that’s what we want to talk about adding the variety of minimally processed foods.

Okay. So that is definitely not accurate if you think that way, but I can understand. If you do when you just don’t know, but the more, you know, the better we do, right. Because if you’re just raised a certain way and you see things and advertising is very powerful, right? I mean, it shapes a lot of things cause it’s like, you know, it’s no different than being around the same people all the time in naturally.

Right. He started picking up each other’s habits. So when you’re used to seeing something, you kind of sometimes believe that. That’s what your reality becomes unless you ready step outside of that box, in open your mind and receive something new and let that new knowledge come in. Okay.

All right. We also can talk about dairy, right? And risking of fractures and things of that nature. Now for one. A lot of times when you eat more plant-based if you’re eating it whole food, plant-based a lot of times you might weigh less because you’re naturally consuming healthier food and you don’t have all those overly processed items that you’re eating all right.

So that will actually help you. Right. That’s different than, you know, you know, pumping up and being athletic. It’s a whole different thing where I, because in order to build muscle, whether you’re eating plants or animals you lift weights. Right. So we know that. So, but just in general, talking about fractures, a lot of times it’s better for you, the less weight and pressure that you’re putting on your body.

If it’s an excess adipose tissue, right. If it’s excess fat, so basically your bones are going to be a little bit more happy for you. Okay. And then on top of that, you definitely do get enough calcium on a plant-based diet. Right. So there are veggies that are high in calcium, like especially your leafy greens, right?

And there’s so many different kinds of leafy greens out there that you can spearmint. What? Just try something different whenever you’re in the market. Just grab something you never have and just throw something together. Just have fun with it. Right. Just get your palette used to eating different foods and you will start to enjoy it.

And then once you get used to eating this way, ultimately once you go back to eating something like say, you’ve been eating this way for six weeks and then one day you’re out and you’re just like, all of you together, you just want to eat something everybody’s eating and you go eat something that’s heavy and salt, heavy and fat.

And all of these things, it’s going to taste different. It’s going to taste very strong and you’re going to notice. Right. Like if you’re are a candy person, like if you have a sweet tooth and you start eating fruit and you stop eating the candy there, fruit where she’d be very sweet to you. Cause you’ll gonna to taste that natural sweetness that yumminess that’s already there and you will just be like, what have I been missing?

And you will feel so much better. And then you’ll get that natural energy and everything. And fruit is good for you, fruit and veggies, so good. All right. And then on top of that, there are studies that show that populations that consume the most milk cow milk. You know what we get from our animals. We have the highest rate of hip fractures.

Okay. So what does that saying that we’re not supposed to be drinking it, right? It is for these animals. It’s for their little baby calves. Right. And then how does that make you feel when they did strip their little babies away from them? Not a good feeling on top of that. Right. So we want to protect our bones.

Right. So do those exercises and you can definitely get plant-based fortified milk if you want to. Okay. There’s fortified plant milk. There’s tofu, there’s leafy greens. So don’t feel like you’re not going to get enough calcium. That’s all a power of the industry trying to make money, right. Trying to put certain things in your face so that you’ll be more apt to get it.

And here’s everybody’s favorite the protein battle. People talk about it all the time. All right, guys, you definitely get enough protein eating plant based. And this also goes back to the variety of foods. So if you eat chicken every single day, you’re only getting one kind of amino acid, right? So you still need to eat a variety of food.

We get so stuck on eating one kind of thing. Even if you’re doing batch cooking, you can batch cook different foods. All right. My loves. You really can. So there’s a difference, right? Between being whole food. And vegan diet, right? So a whole food plant-based diet is going to be more health centered, right.

Compared to vegan. Right? So a vegan diet is basically obstaining from animal products. This includes for different reasons, right. You know, we want to protect the animals. The environment does all the things, just the love of it all. And plant based does overlap in that, but it’s more, you know, healthier in a way that it’s not promoting of the processed foods.

Right. It’s eating more healthy because when you doing just vegan is means just, okay, this is where in the process, food can come into play, you know, all the, all those simulated meats and all those things that people. It’ll taste good for sure. But it has the gazillion things in it. So that’s just like, however you choose to eat.

When you’re looking at the box of something, let’s try to limit it to five ingredients or less. All right. Meaning the first couple of three ingredients is going to be the most what’s in there and making sure that we can pronounce them. So if the first three, so if the second ingredient is a form of sugar is still has a lot of sugar in it.

Okay. And if you are, there is a really long words with 20 letters. That’s just some kind of filler that you don’t need. Right. It’s some kind of chemical that we don’t need in our body. So there’s that distinction there because when you’re eating whole foods, you’re eating from the ground, you’re eating from the dirt and it’s better for our body.

Okay. Then there’s the thing with the iron. Okay. There’s heme, which found only in animal products like meat, poultry, and seafood. And then there’s the non-heme iron that’s found in the plant foods. Like your whole grains, your nuts, your seeds your legumes, your leafy greens, all of the things, right. They make up our whole food plant-based diet.

Right. So there’s that difference there. And so you’re going to get your iron regardless. Like for me an example, It was very, very bad, very bad, very bad anemia, right? Where to the fact that I had to get infusion treatments had to get them every few months because I was so depleted. I was very, it was very hard for me to take supplements.

I would get sick all the time. I just couldn’t take them because I don’t really take a lot of medicine unless it’s absolutely necessary. And I just could not stomach it. They just wouldn’t agree with . You know, because I, I try to do things as holistic as I can, but I just, I just wandering my energy back.

Right. And so then I started doing these treatments and you ever be like, I did not even know how low on energy I was. So I started getting those things. It was like the best thing that ever happened. I was like, oh my gosh, I am alive. I was just feeling so energized. It felt so good because my iron levels were so.

But now that I’m eating more whole food plant-based okay. My energy is good. So, and, and when I was doing those treatments, I was eating more animal products. Right. And so now I’m eating plants and my energy is increased. I mean, you just feel absolutely more amazing. So it’s not just about that. Right. So first of all, you’re going to definitely get enough protein.

I mean, there is even professional athletes that are plant-based. That are excelling that are amazing, that are getting everything they need. So it’s not that you have to eat the animal products. Let me say, have you ever seen this movie? I suggest you go watch it. If you have Netflix, I’m sure you do. It’s called game changers.

It’s absolutely amazing. And it’s about athletes that are plant based and there’s just so many different examples of this. Okay. So it’s not like you have to have it because some there’s an even bodybuilder. That are plant based. So it’s not that you have to have animal protein specifically. You can still do whatever you need to do and eat properly for your health and for your body.

Right? Because our health is first, right. So that’s what we’ve got to do first to take care of ourselves because we want to live. Once you live a long life. So protein definitely get it. I mean, even in the process, mock meat, there’s protein in there. So if you’re still going through that transition, right.

Being plant-based in your eating the mock meat, then you’re still gonna have to get the necessary protein that you need. Right. So if you, so if that will help you transition. Okay. So you’ll be good. And lastly, what we will touch on today is feeling hungry, which is a complete opposite of what you feel.

You actually feel. More full for longer. Okay. More full for longer. Well, you have increased fiber, which helps you feel full because it binds with water and swells up in your stomach. Right. And it helps you feel full. And then you get all those wonderful benefits also of eating fiber for your digestion.

And most people are not getting nowhere near as much fiber as they need, because we’re so busy. Um, putting a steak on half our plate with like a broccoli garnish, right. Or something like that instead of just kind of flipping it up. And so taking the time to do that. So you will not feel hungry if you are, you are.

And promote it eat till you’re full, fill your plate up with good food. You will actually wind up getting full, just giving your time, giving yourself the time to sit there and eat, being mindful when you’re eating and allowing yourself to enjoy your food, have your glass of water or whatever that is that you are consuming with your food, you know, and just allow yourself to enjoy it.

And you will feel full so allowing yourself to eat more plant-based and getting that fiber filling food. Everything on your plate, you will not feel hungry. Okay. So I hope this helped you out debunking some myths. All right. And if you do want to try out goalies, when you log into goalie, you can just use promo code C L a R I S S a.

So today we talked about the nutrients that you’re getting, right. That you’re getting enough nutrients. You’re getting enough, dairy protein, you’re feeling full, just all the. Plant-based diet, you will not lose. Right. And if you need that B12 supplement, go get yourself some goalies, try them out. And they’re yummy too.

So just go ahead and just give it a try. Give yourself a couple of weeks. If you’re new to it, you owe that to yourself. All right. And if you want to have a jumpstart on starting your plant-based diet, go ahead and pick up this free PDF. I have. It’s a seven day guide seven day challenge. There it is a Bitly forward slash kickstart.

That’s a Bitly Ford slash kickstart plants. And the link is also down there in the show notes until next time.

Bye guys, thank you so much for coming by and don’t forget to subscribe until next time.

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