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Can I protect my mental health during the holidays? Here are tips to help relieve stress and mental health over the holidays

In this episode on the podcast we talk about relieving stress, depression, anxiety, and mental health that can happen over the holidays. Try these to help relive stress and to help with mental health.

Talking to god and loved one. Share your feelings 

Letting go of memories that no longer serve you

Get rest and enough sleep

Meditate, pray, and journal to help process your emotions

Indulge and give yourself a break without over indulging

Helping others out can help take focus off of yourself



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Hey there friends. Happy holidays. So I celebrate Christmas and it’s Christmas today and how they normally can be filled with so much joy and goodness. And you just feel so grateful for just like all the things you’re with loved ones and just it’s brings peace, prosperity, just everything. Right. But it’s not like that for everybody.

Okay. Like for example, all these years, well, the last two years, oh, two years has been the two years. Hasn’t it? You know, with COVID all the losses that we experienced, all the changes. I mean, it’s been pretty traumatic experience for all of us in one way or another. You might’ve lost somebody, you might’ve lost.

In calm. If you had a job that was affected a business that closed down and you had to pivot you, dishes have been a learning process, just all the things, just so many things that have happened. And then on top of that, you know, even without COVID, the holidays can be a stressful time. Sometimes it can give you anxiety.

Sometimes people feel depressed, it can just come at you. It can just hit you really hard. Okay. So we’re just going to go over just some things that can just. Us maneuver through this time, just feeling just a little bit more joy, right? It’s a little bit more happiness on our heart, which is ultimately what we want.

Right. That joy, that peace. So just trying to move through it. And one of the best things we can do is share, right. Just sharing how we’re feeling. Instead of keeping it bottled up. That just makes you think about it more. It can just sit on your mind more, just finding someone to talk to. If you have a loved one that you trust talking to that person, if you have a therapy.

Maybe trying to get an appointment with your therapist. I mean, it’s Christmas today. So if he was able to do that before or even next week, whenever you can fit it in and just ultimately just being able to talk to God, right? Cause he’s there he is listening. He knows what you’re going through. And lot of times just got to ask.

Lord, can you just help me find peace, homie, find a way to get through this time. I need your strength and just lean on him. Okay. Just lean on him. Cause that’s what he wants. He wants you to just surrender to him and just lean on and he will help you not saying that you’re going to feel a co do a complete turnaround in the next five minutes, but just allowing yourself to feel and helping letting God help give you that guidance to work through it.

It will definitely. Right. So just getting it out, making sure it was somebody that you trust. So don’t just, so if there’s somebody that you having a conversation with and you don’t really trust that person, for whatever reason, you don’t have to talk to them, but sometimes that person might be an outlet for whatever reason.

So if you feel compelled. Then it’s okay. You never know. Sometimes people come into our lives to link us to another person. So you don’t even know, you might just find yourself talking and his thing should start coming out and it’s okay. And if that does happen, that was for a reason, maybe it just needed that release.

Maybe it’s a neutral party and maybe that’s just, what did you have. And that’s perfectly. Okay. So don’t feel any kind of way if that does happen, you know, just being more aware and mindful. If you can talk to God first and talk to a loved one, but if it’s a neutral party, that’s okay. Because maybe that neutral party was for a reason.

Right. And another thing we can do is try to let go of memories. Sometimes, you know, memories can do some crazy things. You know, you love your family, but sometimes we like, Ooh, cha. You know, and sometimes it’s like that. So if you have a bad memory from maybe a couple of holidays ago, but every time you see somebody trigger something, just try your best to let it go.

Sometimes like easier said than done, but just trying to do that. That’s also, you can give that to God. Giving yourself permission to just let it go and be like, Lord, I know what I’m about to walk into this dinner right now. My family is going to be an interesting couple of days, but I got this. You gave me this train to work through this.

Cause sometimes we need it. Right. It’s okay. We need that. So you can take a couple deep breaths, do some prayers and meditation, you know, and just. It’s a new day. It’s going to be a new day. It’s going to be a new memory. I’m coming into this with a positive mindset. And if I feel triggered for whatever reason, maybe I can have a civil conversation or, you know, maybe we can just come to an understanding, right.

Just try a better. Come at it from a different perspective and you never know it might go well. All right. So just putting that positive energy into the air and they might match you with that positive energy. They like, Hey, this is over, right. We good. We going to start over. Right. And they might be like, you’re right.

We don’t do this fresh. All right. So just give that a try on sometimes again, it can feel a little hard, but you got this. I know that. And making sure that we are rail arrested because you know, sometimes when we’re tired, that makes things that much more harder. And then a lot of times, if you have a lot on your plate, you’re running around, you’re not sleeping.

You know, there’s all kinds of things going on. Maybe have dinner party, do you have events? And there’s just one thing after another. And sometimes the time just starts running together. And then if you have assignments, you’re trying to catch up on giving yourself that space to relax and get the much needed.

That is required. We’ll make a world of difference. All right. It just will, because you will feel so relieved, you know, and then whenever you’re going into a situation that might be stressful, you’ll eat, it will affect you differently. Just like when you’re tired, sometimes you’re more snapping is because you need to sleep.

Your body needs that rest. Okay. So trying your best to map out your time where you can get whatever amount of hours of sleep that you need. If that seven hours, if that’s eight hours. Whatever is optimal for you. Try your best to get that in. So set those boundaries. Ladies set those boundaries. So if you’re like, I need my seven hours just be like, at this time I’m done at 11 o’clock I’m down.

So I gotta get up in a couple hours to start cooking, or I gotta do whatever it is I gotta do. Just making sure you time block and get that situated so that you don’t go over it. Try your best and you will feel great. And back to the meditation and the journaling. It’s still great to do that whenever it’s the holidays, especially because there are so many emotions, sometimes that are going up, especially if you’ve lost, loved ones.

You know, when you’re missing them or, you know, all the gatherings and that’s good for memories too. Just getting it all out. Whether it’s positive, whether it’s negative, you could, you know, pray for 20 minutes. You can meditate for 20 minutes. You can journal for 20 minutes. Just give yourself this amazing block and just get it all out.

You don’t have to read it if you don’t want to, or you can reread it, you can write it down, get it out, and then keep doing that, you know, just like pictures and it’s something. So if you do decide, you want to read back over it. That’s okay. Right. And that, that helps with that relieving, whatever mentally is going on with you during the holiday.

So whether you’re feeling stressed out, whether you’re feeling a little sad, depressed, postpartum, all of these things, they’re just more tools that you could have just to help you pull through. Right. Just help you pull through, you know, it just helps pull this stuff out of you. Cause you know, sometimes we need an outlet.

So like for instance, it’s okay to indulge a little bit over the holidays, if it’s safe for you, if it’s a safe space. So if you know that you have a food addiction or that you have an addiction to a sub. Then you want to avoid it, but if you don’t epidemic, you know what I’m saying? If it’s okay, then you can have a little bit of sweets or do the thing just don’t go overboard.

Because if you are more prone to having an addiction to it, when you have these emotions going on, then you’ll go overboard and it could trigger you. It could send you down a spiral. So being able to meditate and journal and get these things out and talking to God, it will help. So it’s a different form of having an outlet.

Right? You can also listen to podcasts, read, you know, get just given yourself this little time, even though it might be hectic in your home or wherever you want. And this is what’s going on. Just, you could set that timer set that time apart, just to read a little bit this into a podcast, even if you’re on travel, right.

Just still doing those things, being like, if you’re on the beach, I read a book, you know, just listen to something because even now you physically moved to a new spot. Your mind is still with you. So you might feel stressed out me, like, be like, mm, I got to get out of here. Okay. And you hop on a plane and you go somewhere.

Your mind is still there. So ultimately it’ll be a little bit more relaxing because you’re in a different scenery in your, out from your home, but your thoughts are still going to follow you. So you still need a way to deal with that at the end of the day. So it’ll distill help if you’re laying on a beach or something like that.

And you are listening to something positive and motivating or you’re reading or you’re going for a walk. It adds to it, but it will still help you process everything that’s going on. Also being able to help others, you know, that kindness and that compassion that you’re giving out makes you feel wonderful as well.

So with one thing you can do is to focus on other people so that you’re not just thinking about yourself, not saying that not going on with you is going to be invalid. It just helps you decompress those feelings. And those be like, cause he was you’re stressed out. You’d be like, But I feel so good that I’m helping them out.

Right. So you could volunteer your times like a local shelter, visit a nursing home, or just looking for some other way to help. Or even if you don’t want to do charity, you could also help out a loved one, help a family member, something like that. And it’ll take the pressure off of you as well, and be like, Hey, do you need any help?

And it makes you feel good and it makes them feel good. They’ll give you a nice hug. If it’s your family member, you know, all those things. And then it makes you feel that much more grateful for what you have. So especially if you’re volunteering somewhere, it is makes you appreciate things a little more.

That’s not saying. Those emotions are going to go away. It’s just, it’ll also help you feel, right? So it’s, it might be that simple mind shift of focusing on other people is enough to help you start to feel better. Right? It’s just all these little things and you just start doing them and then you might be like, yeah, you know, I’m feeling a little better today.

One day at a time, if you feel better today, feel better than today than yesterday. That’s all you need. You know, just taking that one day at a time, you don’t want to feel overwhelmed cause I’ll just add to it. So just being like, this is what I’m going to do today for myself. So I’m just going to go volunteer.

And then that, then that simple mind shift is going to help you out. All right. And about feeling overwhelmed. Always know that it’s okay to say no. Period and a story. If you need to say no, say no and try not to feel guilty about it, just do not feel guilty about it. You are not required to do anything for anyone.

If you do not want to, if you want to great, if it’s in your time and you snack on her, stress you out or make you feel more overwhelmed and you have that. Then it’s okay. You do that. But if you feel as stressed out and you’re talking to yourself, like, I don’t know if I’m going to do this. I got to rearrange my schedule and why they ask me this last minute, then it’s okay.

You don’t have to do it. You just say no boundaries. You just say no, and they’re going to be okay. Even if at first they’re like, but why aren’t you here? And they try to make you feel and they try to make you feel guilty. It’d be like, this is for me. I don’t feel like I’m that up to this right now. And if you love me, you’ll understand.

Okay. And they should understand. And if they don’t, they’re going to be okay. All right. They going to be okay, because we all need to do a far ourselves. Cause if you don’t take care of yourself, ain’t nobody else gonna take care of you. You hear me? That’s the way it goes. You got to start with doing you.

And when you start taking better care of yourself or the people will see that and they will give that to you. And if they do now, Then you might need to rearrange your circle a little bit. It’s okay. You might need to. And sometimes it happens. You keep growing and they grow with you. Sometime people fall off.

That’s that shouldn’t, I’m not saying that’s your goal, but you need to prioritize your health and yourself, whatever it is that you need to do. Okay. And they should love you enough and respect you enough to give you the space and whatever it is that you need to happen. So if you like. Man. I just, I just need to chill right now.

I just have to relax at his need this time. I only have 30 minutes to an hour to myself. I really can’t do that. You understand? They should understand. Okay. They should, but you know what you gotta do if they don’t, I’m just saying, right. Give your, give yourself that permission. I will tell you this all the time, give yourself the permission to do whatever you need to do for your.

Creating healthy boundaries, healthy self-care, you know, healthy compassion for yourself, all of these things, right? Sometimes we have to learn to do this because we’re not used to doing it because we’re so used to giving and giving and giving. Sometimes it’s hard for people to receive, you know, it happens, you know, like if somebody gives you a compliment or somebody tells you something, sometimes you have to teach her.

To accept it. And it’s the same thing with self care and taking, you know, when we take care of ourselves, sometimes we have to learn to do that and it’s okay. It is never too late. Start today if you need to, because you know what, 2022 is about to be here and we go into 20, 22 with that attitude of self-love and self-compassion and all the things.

All right. You hear me? Right. Okay. And just managing your time. Not trying to do too much, just knowing whatever that is. Be honest with yourself. Okay. Just being honest with yourself about trying not to take on too much, prioritizing your time and activities. All right. And you got this. All right. So I hope that helped you and whoever needed to listen to this message today.

I hope it found you. I hope that you was led here to listen to this and it touched you in some way. All right. I’m going to remind you about. Program that is launching in January and stress is a big component of it. So it’s a total wellbeing academy, which doesn’t just cover nutrition, which is super important, but it also goes over stress and our mental health, because at the end of the day, it drives us away.

So there’s a really big component of that in that. So if you’re signing, find yourself being stressed out, Or stress eating any of these things. All cell this program is for you, whether you want to lose weight, you’re tired of all these fad diets, and you’d be like, you’re not about that life anymore, and you didn’t want it to be sustainable.

And also just to increase energy in any health conditions that you want. Reverse total wellbeing academy is for you. All right, guys. So I want you to go to Clarissa forward slash TWA Clarissa forward slash TWA. And go ahead. Come over if you are ready. All right. So I will see you soon and do not forget to leave a written review.

I really appreciate it. It also helps others as well until next time he wants you as a way to lose weight without feeling so Congress, having ways to cope with stress without turning to food for even having increased energy to take on the day because your health concerns are affecting her. That’s why I created total wellbeing academy, where I empower you to trust more in your self and spirit, how to cope with stress, any more healthy way through meditation.

I will also teach you how to lose weight naturally and keep it all while nourishing your mind, body, and spirit. It will also get to the root cause of your condition instead of suppressing the symptom. I know what it feels like to be super stressed and feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to give extra focus to your health.

Imagine if you can wake up energized and not feel hungry or deprived from being on a restricted fad diet, that’s unsustainable. Just taking the time to put yourself first and breathe more easily because you know that you have the tools to live a long life. You will love your body more. You’ll understand the connection between quality food and your effects on your mind.

You will walk away with a renewed lifestyle that makes you question diet culture. You’ll know how to effectively manage your emotions and your stress and the best. You’ll watch your health through birth so you could live longer for yourself and your loved ones. So if you’re ready, go to Clarissa. forge last TWA again. That is Clarissa forward slash TWA.

Bye guys. Thank you so much for coming by and don’t forget to subscribe and leave a written review until next time. Love and light.

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