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How can I set my daily routine? Here are tips how

On this episode we go over how to set up a daily routine to help set you up success for your day. Whether you want to lose weight or take steps to improve your health this is for you.

Subtle shifts every day 

Find joy and feel good

Meditation and journaling 

Food intake and movement 

Routines will decrease overwhelm and stress by helping you stay organized

Much Love


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welcome to the miracles and wellness podcast. My name is Clarissa Booker and I’m your life and wellness coach and also beauty expert. I am so happy and grateful that you were here. We’ll be discussing all things, health and wellness, feeling empowered in loving yourself more while connecting your mind.

I always know that you can manifest whatever you desire for your greater wellbeing in your life. ’cause I believe that miracles are for everyone.

hello there. Friends. Hope you having a wonderful day. So today we’re going to talk a little bit about routines. Okay. Cause we wouldn’t have a good routine people wasn’t talking about. What’s your morning routine, how you do your day everybody’s days are structured a little bit different. Right? And so since we’re about to hit 20, 22, we’re going to try to set you up for success.

Just get that lifestyle on the way, doing all the things we need to do. Right. Cause we’re all about having that wellness be a top priority. And you don’t have to go all in on everything. You could just do start with one thing. Okay. So just subtle shifts every day can bring on changes. Right. And just making it joyful and just feeling good about what you’re doing.

So you don’t at the same time just doing something just because you see somebody else do. Because yes, because it’s working for them. Doesn’t the automatic limine is going to work for you. Right. You just have to know what you find joy in. What makes you feel good? You might have some things that overlap with somebody.

So always take everything as a suggestion. Just be curious, right. Don’t judge yourself, don’t judge others, you know, cause we’re all unique and individuals and that’s absolutely wonderful. So just let things come to you. Right. And it just makes it easier. Cause we want to have good rituals, any habits and these behaviors, and we just keep doing things over and over.

Then you just wake up and you’re just happy. And it’s just a part of your schedule, right? It’s just a part of your everyday routine. And so this will also help you relieve stress. Sometimes it’s very easy for us to get caught up and get on the move and then we feel overwhelmed. I know I have, I used to be like super stressed.

Sometimes I still have to check myself, be like, look, you need to take a deep breath. You need to go for a walk, go to the gym, do whatever that is. Okay. But whenever you have a built in to your routine, that you have to worry about it, things are more smooth. You have to do it for yourself first. All right.

Because we don’t take care of ourselves, then everything else is kind of a little shaky, right? It’s it’s a little shaky. All right. So having a good morning routine is good. My morning routine, like I don’t even have an alarm clock. Um, the time is recording. My son is six. And you would think he has a job cause his little boy beat up at the crack of Dawn.

Okay. And you know, these little kids, they, they want to be up. They don’t want to miss nothing. So there is that. So he would always come wake me up. So I get up really early. Just offer that. Right. But if you don’t have children, then you know, What time are you going to get up? You’re going to get five o’clock.

You can get up at six and if you need to get up an hour earlier, then that’s what you gotta do. All right. Structure that M so if you would like to have an extra hour for yourself so that you can meditate, have your coffee read, go in your planner, check yourself out, do whatever you need to do. Then you need to get up an hour.

Because even though when you think about it, you might be like, man, she want me to get up an hour early. Washoe is coming at me with this stuff. Like, what is it it’s going to benefit you. Okay. You will love it. And, you know, give it a couple of days or something like that, but it will benefit you so much.

Cause everything will it look, it will be less overwhelming if you have things more structured out. So you’ve given yourself, don’t you feel good whenever you just do something for yourself, you just like, man. And then when you say you’d be like, I should do this tomorrow. And then sometimes you don’t, you just get back in this routine of sh of just shambles, this shamble new, is that a word is a word today, and then you have the potential that overwhelmed creeping back in, you know, so we want to have it a little bit more organized when it’s more organized.

You actually have more time because it also helps you set boundaries and women. We are not the best at boundaries sometimes. Oh, right. Cause we are nurturers. We care and we just want to help every. We should, we should want to help everybody, but the same time we’ll we got to do, we got to help ourselves first period.

Okay. This is what we got to do. And so doing this will help you be more organized. So time block in the morning, an extra hour of self care, then as a good sleep routine, good sleep hygiene. And I believe I have episode 18 where I talk about good sleep hygiene, just helping you get to sleep. Having a good hour before you go to bed.

Look, you can give yourself two hours. Morning evening, and then do some stuff in the middle. If you need to take a walk during work, do that, it’ll feel so good. Get outside, get some fresh air, get some vitamin D in there. Do what you gotta do. All right. But you’ll notice that or you’ll feel more organized and you’ll have more time.

It might not seem like it, but you will because everything will be in its place. And then no one you’re going to cut everything else. Give yourself that boundary, be like, and at five, I’m going to stop. This goes to my family at this time, do you need to delegate and delegate, figure out what you need to do, right.

To figure that out and something good. You could do Adam, when you’re doing that self care, these, these places, when any of these routines add in some good meditation, some good journaling. I talk about this because it has just helped me so much. You know, doing meditations and journaling, it just helps bring you into a space of feeling centered.

It helps that joy come up. It gets all of that stress out, man, just taking that time to yourself, because what time, what happens? We think a lot sometimes, and our mind is always racing. We have all these things to do, and then just giving that time to ourself or 20 minutes an hour, however long. If you’re not used to meditating, you start with 20 minutes court, you know, start with five of your, like, I’m not ready for 20 and just work up.

Right. And then journal about it. Uh, I always say pray, meditate, and journal. Do those three things together. And it’s a win. Okay. It is a win in my book and you will appreciate it. It can also help you sleep better doing visualizations and as journaling, getting your thoughts out. Okay. So when you wake up in the morning, you could give yourself that hour that you’ve given to your.

Just sit there in journal about something, anything, it doesn’t matter what it is. There’s no right. And there is no wrong for any of these things. Okay. It all depends on what you want. You can sit there and take some suggestion and they’d be like, well, I’m going to tweak it in this way so that it fits my life and how I want to live.

And that’s what you do. Okay. So doing that, just getting it out and doing that meditation, talking to God, giving yourself that time with him. You, you will just feel amazing. Don’t you just feel happier, you know, at that time, you just talking to him, you just getting it all out, do that, give yourself that time, make that part of your self-care right.

And good nourishment, making sure you have a good breakfast, you know, whatever that is. So for you, maybe that some oatmeal made us an avocado toast. I just love avocado. So I’m always throwing it in the conversation. Hand is moving your body movement. You know, I always can tell. You know, like I could hold stress.

Do you have a whole stress in your back and your shoulders? I know I do it. It does not feel good. I’d be like, I am. Why is this happening? Like, what is going on? This is not feel good. And sometimes I want to go run. Sometimes I want to lift weights. Then sometimes I’d be like, you know what? It’s not a gym day.

I just need to do some yoga. I did that the other day. Sometimes I just feel like I’d be on my way to the gym or something like. And I’ll just have to stop be like, Hmm. My body is telling me I need to do some kind of yoga because your whole stress in your body, right. Your mind and your bear, mind, body connection.

Ooh. Chata is powerful. Okay. But you just have to learn to listen to yourself. Don’t second. Guess yourself. Sometimes you know, that intuition is talking to us a bit. We do not want to listen, just listen. And it would just take you. You know, you begin signs sometimes and just be like, Hmm, but I’m going to choose this door anyway.

Cause we’re always on our path, but we have free will. So God could be like, you need to go on, go ahead and do this. And you know it, this, but you like, but this looks so good over here. This is what I really want. And you know, but you do that and that’s on you, but you always can go back. Always can go back.

So just listening to your body, adding some movement in there. You’re good. Good, neutral. And what I would love for you to do is to just write it down. When you write it down, it’s one more step to being real right in your face, write it down, putting it somewhere where you could see it. Right. How are you going to show up for yourself?

Right? What do you need to do? How are you going to show up for yourself? Because I want you to show up for yourself because you sure enough deserve it first, first and foremost. Okay. Just knowing that. And taking the steps to get it done. And then I want you to visualize it, write it down and visualize it.

Look it’s vision board season. You guys do vision boards. Look, that’s why it’s so powerful. It is there. And you can look at it and be like, yes, I see it. I see it. Do that, make a vision board, visualize it, put it out there, meditate on it. And whatever boundaries that need to have in any healthy. Also know that, write that down.

Okay. Do whatever you need to do to implement this. And it was going to decrease the overwhelm and make it easier for you to maintain it. And that’s part of manifesting it. Right? Putting it out there, you got to tell God what you want. And that’s part of manifesting it. You got to have that joy, all these things in order to bring it to you.

All right. And what are you telling yourself about it? Do you need to recreate any thoughts? ’cause how we talk to ourself really matters. Okay. Are, do you talk to yourself in a negative way? Sometimes people do that. You don’t even realize it because maybe we just used to beating yourself up, you know, so just flipping that in a more positive way of talking.

So instead of saying, I don’t have time for this. I’m too tired, you know, it just, it kind of puts it into your spirit that you don’t have time for it. But instead, you know, flipping them around and saying, it’s not going to take long for me to do this self care to show my body some love for me to carve out 20 minutes out of my day to work out an extra 30 minutes for me to make something to eat or even batch cook.

Um, I got this. It’s not going to take me that long. Instead of being like, I don’t have time for this, then you’re going to not make time for it because your mind is going to be like, okay, well let me show you. And she doesn’t have time for it because our mind is going to go to work, making whatever we feel true.

So if you think you have time, then you’re not going to have time. If you want to have time, then you will somehow figure out a way to get those extra 20 minutes in those extra 30 minutes. So whatever you need to do where that extra hour, even if you need to adjust to it, because a lot of times, you know, it’s, sometimes it’s hard in the beginning, right?

When you’re trying to break. You’re there might be some resistance in there. You just have to get over that resistance. Sometimes you need some help in the process and that’s okay. So if you need somebody to help you through that, then that’s okay. Somebody can help you through that. Okay. Just figure out that thing.

Just taking one day at a time. Okay. Just one day at a time, don’t be like, I’m going to recreate my whole life in two days. Because that might stress you out. Uh, you know what? It probably will stress you out for you to make, so just do one thing at a time. All right. That’s why even in my program has coming out in January.

There is weekly live group coaching calls, just to help you get work through each process, we were going to go over something. Then, then the, then the lesson is going to be recorded. It’s going to put in a portal for you to go back to and look at, but you also can come into the group and ask your questions.

So throughout the course of the. There’s going to be support there. Support and community is always excellent. Being around people that have the like-mind. I knew we’ve had to hear that before, and it’s really as powerful. It’s real being around like-minded individuals that are on the same mission as you, it helps push you there.

It’s just being like, you can be like, man, I feel like home is really hard and my family’s eating a certain way, but I really want to change. It’s really hard and it, and it can be hard when you feel like you’re doing it alone. It can be hard when you feel like, you know, I wish I had a bigger support. They say they want to help and they support me, but I see them doing something completely different.

So that’s when that community and that support is going to be amazing. It’s going to help you because there’s going to be that resistance. And if you’re not in an environment where you’re getting that kind of stuff, Then it will be much, much easier for you to backtrack and we’re not trying to backtrack in 2022.

We are trying to go full speed ahead. That’s what we try and do. We gotta try and go full speed ahead. Okay. We are trying to go and we’re going to get there and it’s going to happen. All right. It’s as simple as that, as simple as that, you probably would like, it’s not simple, but it is. And tell yourself, it’s that simple.

Don’t tell yourself it’s not that simple to you. So I got this and I’m going to get it. So there’s no one that you need to make that space and oh, you should try to write down it is, is there something that you can delegate off to somebody else? Can you give that to somebody that you work with a project or something small that you don’t really need to oversee?

Can you, can you delegate that to somebody else or can somebody in your home help you out with something? Can they do one less thing to give you that space? Okay. And know that you are allowed to say no. No as a complete sentence. So don’t feel obligated or guilty if you cannot take on something, if you have your time blocks set up and this hour is for you.

If somebody wants to do something in that hour, it’s okay to say no, even if it hurts in the beginning, because you’re not used to saying no, it’s okay for you to say no. Give yourself permission to say no, but like, this is my time and I need you to respect. Do you love me because I love myself and this is why I’m doing this.

Okay. If that needs to happen, it needs to happen. Right. And being aware of what your triggers are, writing them down without any judgment to yourself. Okay. Because being aware of what is making you act a certain way, you might not even notice it. You might not notice that this thing that’s happening.

Making you go sit down and now I’m doing anything and it puts you in a funk being aware of certain things. So if you need to have a journal with you throughout the day and write down every single thing that you do that happens, or that makes you upset, or that sends you on a spiral, write that down, do that for like a week or a couple of days.

Right? Try at least for three days, three days of this small amount of time. And if you can do the three days, then you might want to add on a couple extra days just writing that down so you can be aware of what’s happening. All right. And asking God to help you with it, given you a new perspective, you know, and being able to release anything that is not serving you, writing these triggers down and things that are happening, then looking at it and really evaluating it.

And being honest with yourself, being honest with yourself and being like I’m ready to look at myself, whether it’s good and bad and just putting it out there so that. I can move forward with what my goals are with what I want to manifest in my life, because I’m ready to receive it. Okay. So then in order to receive it, you need to make space.

And when you are making space, you need to release anything that is no longer serving you. Just get it out there, ask yourself where’s this coming from and how can I work on this belief? Right. You might not know where it’s coming from, do some meditations, you know, see if it’ll come up, write down anything that comes up in your journal, you know, asking God to help you see where it coming from.

And sometimes you don’t know something because you might not be ready and that’s okay. You don’t have to rush any feelings that you’re not ready to receive, knowing what you can allow, what you do want to try to let your feelings come up. Finding a way to deal with it. Finding way to do with your stress in your emotions definitely helps that topic of stress, eating and emotional eating, just being able to release it, being aware of where it’s coming from, but giving your time to work through the process.

You don’t have to push yourself through trauma, but you do want to work on it right. One day at a time you need to talk to a therapist. That’s great. You talk to a coach has great, a loved one. Whatever that is going to help you work through that instead of just holding it in, you don’t have to hold it in any longer.

You give yourself the permission to work on it and let it go. And you can ask yourself, what will this do for me? Right? So like, what will this do for you? How will this benefit your life? And you can ask yourself these questions. You can write it down on your journal. What will this do for. How will this benefit my life?

How will this feel when I work through what’s going on? When I set these routines in place, right? When I give myself this space to set these routines, how’s this going to help me? Right. And write it down. Be like, I will feel better. I will feel more relaxed. I’ll feel less stressed. I will make time for my self-care so I can take care of myself.

Maybe you find yourself getting snack. Because you’re tired or you just feel overworked or whatever it is. And giving yourself this time block for your self-care will help that. Right. It’ll help release all of that. Just give a time like how this benefit my life. So giving yourself the permission to just work through that, just to heal, just to allow yourself to love yourself, love your body, all of these things, right?

Cause January, 2022 is about to be. Real quick and you want to be ready. So writing down all these things, just journaling about them, everything, keep it simple. Just keeping it simple. Right? You don’t have to get complicated or anything like that. Cause it, so watch me to get complicated. You just don’t want to do anything at all.

You just be like, I’m done with this. So just, you know, write down some things and just have fun with it. Smile. You always want to bring joints at the situation. It makes it better. You want to laugh, just love life. It makes you more apt to do something. When you attach a joy to it, you know, when you’re just unhappy, you don’t, you, you want to avoid it at all times.

We ever just may somebody and you just don’t have the best energy. You don’t want to be around them. And the same is for you. So just bring joy into the conversation into your life, making sure you do those things. And so I hope that helped you guys. And January total wellbeing academy will be officially open for enrollment on January 3rd.

And we’re going to have live group coaching weekly, and just being able to go over nutrition, but focus more on plant based nutrition, which you knew that was going to come. And because plant-based nutrition will help you lose that weight naturally. And help you reverse those chronic diseases, all those health conditions that’s going on, it is the way, so we’re going to go have a plant-based eating and, you know, some people come off of medication when I’ve worked with them.

It is so joyous to see also going to be working on stress techniques, thanks to relieve stress, because it’s such a big things. I, you know, cause I’ve dealt with so much stress and so meditations and just different techniques and things of that nature. And so I cannot wait. I’m super excited about it. So it officially opens January 3rd and then, you know, we’re going to do the live coaching.

And even though the recordings are live, I’m going to store those in a portal so that you guys can rewatch them. And then you have the program for the lifetime access of it. So even as I add things on over time, you’ll have access to all the things. All right. As cleaning recipes is going to the community for support in a private.

For you guys, all it’s knowing each other, bring wellness family. Cause you know, it can be hard. I know it can. Right. So I would love for you to do, is to go register for the waitlist over there and you go to Clarissa Forrest last TWA, Clarissa for slash TWA. I cannot wait to see you guys.

And don’t forget to leave a written review. I so love them. I love to read them and it helps other people too. All right. Well until next time. Bye.

Bye guys. Thank you so much for coming by and don’t forget to subscribe until next time.

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