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Is it possible to keep off weight? Here are tips to keep the weight off after losing it.

In this episode we talk about tips to maintain your weight loss and keep it off for good.

Understanding emotional eating and stress as it relates to you.

Having support and accountability during your weight loss journey.

Staying away from FAD diets and restricting yourself too much when eating.

Stay committed to the journey for your weight loss and to improve your health

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Hey there, friends. I hope your first week of 20, 22 has been simply amazing. And you’ve been able to crush all your goals that you’ve been set through and just keeping it going. All right. And so I know a lot of times, beginning of the new year weight loss is really heavy on the spectrum. Just try and get your health in order.

I’m here for it. I am so here for it. Okay. And so once you reach these goals, right pertaining to weight loss, we’re going to talk about weight loss. Okay. Because it is what it is you want to slim down and, you know, we don’t want any fat around our Oregon. So I bristle FAC is not healthy and it leads to health problems, conditions and things forming.

So at the end of the day, as taboo as it might seem for some people, it is real life, right. It’s just real life is what it is just trying. Make sure that we’re at a healthy weight. There is no magic number is different for everybody just knowing what that is for you. Okay. And being honest with yourself, not having any kind of dysmorphia with yourself about your weight, but just, and if you need to talk to somebody about something that’s going on, you feeling a certain way about yourself.

When you’re looking in the mirror, making sure that you see yourself with. And affection and compassion, right? So if you look at yourself and you don’t like what you see, you should talk to somebody about that. Okay. It can sometimes people see their self with fat eyes and it doesn’t matter what size you are.

So that’s a whole nother thing, right? Just getting down to the root of that because our mental health is so important. Okay. I can not stress this enough, the importance of our mental health, it affects everything about us. So it’s not. About the weight. Okay. But making sure that our physical well-being, our emotional well-being, you know, mental, all of these things are right.

Okay. So at the end of the day, when it comes to us, maintaining our weight, this has to be in check. Okay. At the end of the day, we have to have a healthy relationship with our. With the food with all the things, because if you’re not right there, then something’s going, something’s going to go left. Right.

Okay. So if you know what to eat and you have these thoughts, but you’re thinking about it in a way that’s not congruent with you. That can be another way for self-sabotage. So this is the most important thing here. Right? Getting right with yourself. Okay. So finding. Whereas what’s going on emotionally, right.

In addressing that and having more healthy ways to cope. Okay. So if you find yourself being emotional eater, so as you’re going through this process, and you’re losing this weight, still trying to realize and zone in on. What is this trigger, right? Why is this happening? You know, how can you address this?

And just finding more healthy ways to cope, because there’s always going to be something that’s going on. Because you alive. Okay. So you going to be sad, happy, stressed out. It’s not going to stop, but what we want to do is just have healthy ways to cope. That’s that’s what, having all these tools in our toolbox, because everybody’s going to be stressed out at one point or another, because of something now, how you let it affect you is another thing.

So you can feel the stress coming on and you can, and you can put it in check, right? Or you could let it get the best of you. And then it can go all over the place. There’s always going to be something going on. So realizing that within yourself. Okay. And having healthy ways to cope. And this will keep you from one backsliding and helping you maintain your weight.

Okay. Because you don’t want to go back into that spiral of just eating. Okay. So figuring out what that is. So if you find yourself sweets, right, the sweet tooth. So you find yourself wanting to eat these sweets, but catching yourself before it gets to that point. Okay. So that’s good being able to do that and be like, okay, I see myself going down this path.

Okay. Um, I’m feeling all stressed out right now. What can I do? What can I do? And then go back and figure that out. So if you want to take some deep breaths, get yourself centered. They having a plan and having a nice list of things for you to do that. You’re going to work on throughout this weight loss journey.

Okay. That’s one way and low. Fad diets is not the way. Anytime you were overly restrictive, it’s going to backfire. All right. It’s you can’t maintain it. You can go on some kind of diet or something where you’re restricting something completely. Your body needs that to live, whatever that is. So if you’re restricting whole food groups, that should be a red flag.

That’s a sign right there. And somebody is telling you to restrict all these things. Then if somebody is like, you can eat no carbs, you can eat no protein or whatever it is. Look, you can need that. Okay. And there’s so many more, there’s so many ways to get these nutrients into your body and micronutrients.

Right? All of these things that you need. All right. So fad diets will ultimately backfire. You see it all the time. You’ve either been through it or you’ve know somebody, you know, because they’re so popular, right. Because we’re in this world of know, Look, he says you gotta be patient. Okay. If you just have to be patient.

Cause if it took you all this time to get you where you are right now, what makes you think two weeks or three weeks is gonna set you on the right path? No, it just, that’s just not real. Okay. You know, as you get you guys free to like everything else in your life. All right. So wherever you’re at, like, think about your career, where you are right now, did that happen overnight?

You did not just wake up at like 18 and get where you are right now. You know, it did not happen. Okay. Unless it was just handed down from you, from family or something like that. And if that’s the case, you saw what they had to go through. It’s always a hard path at the end of the day. Yeah. Even if it was handed to you and it’s a family business, you know, they had to bust their butt too.

So none of it that’s going to happen overnight. It’s just not. Okay. So staying away from fad diets, because let’s say you’ve been on a fad diet, right. And you lost like 20 pounds really quick. Did you learn how to maintain it? No. You were just told to do this formula. They were just given this framework.

Okay. And you lost all this weight and now you’re off the diet then what? You don’t know what to do because it wasn’t realistic. It wasn’t a, you wasn’t able to maintain. So what happens is you go back to doing other things that you were doing before, or you still try to eat this way, but it’s, um, it’s not maintainable because like, for example, like if you are on this, one of these diets, I tell you don’t eat carbs.

Look, that’s a red flag. Okay. Run away as fast as you can go, don’t go pass, go. Or however that thing goes, right? Because you cannot maintain that you need your body needs. Okay. And so once that happens, you’re going to gain the way back. And that also makes you starving. Right? So if you are not getting the amount of nutrients that you need, your body is going to think it’s starving so that when you do.

Right. So if you’ve been on a really restricted diet for four weeks, and then you find like, now it’s over and you’re like so happy and you’re like, oh my goodness. Now I can like eat. So you didn’t really make any transformation really. You might’ve lost that weight, but then as soon as you go back to eating something, if you’re not even eating.

Foods that are going to be more nutritious the way it’s going to come back. Right. Cause your body is just going to grab onto it so hard because it’s going to be like, oh yes, she is finally given me some food. What has she been doing to me these last few weeks? He’s going to hold onto it, hold onto it. So trying to, you want to try to do something that is sustainable, right?

Like I have a clean eating blueprint by give people when they come to work with me, it’s not restrictive. Because you are allowing your buyer to get all the nutrients that it needs, right? So you’re feeding your body as much food as you want. Right. But it’s healthier. Foods is all about the quality of the food.

So the food you get, you know, eating food with lots of fiber, you know, you’re getting all the nutrients and environments that you need. Your body is happy and it actually just gets full because you’re having water from this fiber in there. And your body is just. So happy, right? It’s not starving. This is what is more sustainable and you’re not restricting.

Right. Even like some people think that if you eat more plant-based and you’re not getting protein, first of all, there’s going to be protein in all of your food. Do not listen to that. And then there’s legumes and there’s so many ways that you can make your meals. Okay. There are so many, but we, you know, just started to stay away from the restrictions.

Cause when you see, you got to just cut the restrictions out, right? So those restrictions and the fad dies. A lot of it’s going to go hand in hand. You should not be saying. I am starving or I feel too hungry. Cause that’s going to make your energy levels go down and then it’s just going to backfire. So that’s not going to be sustainable.

Right? Whenever you see stuff like that, just be really mindful of what it is, you know, and more or less is morally, as I keep saying, it’s about the quality of the food. So just remembering the process foods in decreasing your animal products, right. That is, what’s going to add that weight on. Okay. So sometimes people are worried about counting calories or counting macros and things of this.

And so you have this extra space over there where you can like eat something and you might eat something. That’s not exactly the right choice. Okay. And so is it really benefiting you. Right. So you all, so if you’re doing something like that, you have to also think about your health. So then if you have this extra space for these calories or you know, that you can consume, you mean, okay, well, according to this chart that I have here, I can sit there and I can make room for this cake.

Right. But how’s that dealing with the rest of your bias? So if you’re doing that every day, Your health is going to get affected. Okay. So just being a little mindful of that. Okay. And along with maintaining your weight loss, knowing which foods work for you. So along this journey, that’s what it is. It’s a journey here paying attention to what foods affect you, how it does, because that’s because something is healthy for one person doesn’t mean it’s going to work.

So if you’re on, if you’re doing something right, you’re on a quote diet, and if something’s like kale, right. We know kale is good food for the most part. Right. But it might not work with your body and throw it out the window. You don’t have to eat it. Okay. So just paying attention to this because you don’t want to do something on your diet that you’re on just to lose some weight throughout this process.

You want to make it sustain. So eat now throughout this term of your weight loss journey, the way you’re going to eat for your life. Right. Cause it’s a lifestyle. So just paying attention to that and seeing how you feel don’t force anything that doesn’t feel good. Okay. Just give your body that compassion, because it’s going to take care of you.

All right. It’s going to take care of you. Okay. And support and accountability. Okay. Super important, because this is going to be a life style. This is not just something you’re doing for the. Even though, you know, you’re going to look good and I’m dressed in them heels. Cause you’re going to rock it. Okay.

Cause that’s what you’re going to do. Cause we gonna look sexy, but this is still the lifestyle. So having some kind of support and accountability along the way, right. And this is why I was talking about this is why we talk about community, especially community when it comes to weight loss and your health is super important because it’s like the like-minded individuals that you around.

So whatever you’re going through, say, you’re trying to go work in a new work on something new you, right. You’re you’re trying to do a new deal or something like that. It’s nice to surround yourself with people that are on this level that you want to be on, right. Someone is doing more than you sit. You learn from them, not less but more.

Okay. So the same thing with our weight loss journey. So finding people that are living that life that you want to live, right. If it’s like a podcast like this, you listening to, or some friends or somebody, you know, that can accompany you on this journey. Okay. So you have some people that you like to work out.

You know, buddy out with them. I mean, find a group. I mean, I have a group to also on Facebook that you come join a free wellness community, then there’s also other places, you know, meetups, you know, there’s just so many things to making sure that you have support because you’re not going to get rid of your family.

Right. If you’re married and you got kids, they might not be on the same path. But, you know, they might get there by looking at you. You might inspire them to do the thing too. It can naturally happen to progression. We’ll say, see that you were serious and they see the changes that is taking place in your life.

You know, ask God to send you the right people, be like, Lord, please send me somebody a support team. And then just like, that’s am I going to pop up? You’ll be like, oh, You do what you know, and you might start going to Marcus together, be like, Hey, how about we meet up on Sundays and go to the market, pick up some fresh produce, you know, it don’t, you worked fast.

Okay. You just gotta be open to receive it. All right. He will work. All right. So making sure you get that support and accountability, you need a coach. They there for you. That’s their job. They got you. Okay. Look, I, I love people. I love working with people. It makes me so happy. And when seeing people win as the best thing and that’s thing, making sure you appreciate all the steps that you do when they say appreciate the wins.

It. ’cause you don’t want to get down on yourself because there are going to be some days that are harder than others. Okay. This all will help you keep the weight off. They might seem like simple things, right. And they matter because whenever you’re in the trenches, it can get a little discouraged. And sometimes, sometimes you’re, I’ll make it be like, not today, but you know, that’s when you got your check in is have one of your friends checking.

You guys, you know, do a couple of weeks, um, I’m sorry, a couple of days where you guys check in with each other and if you haven’t heard from each other, be like, Hey SIS, what you doing? You all right? Tell me what happened today. Something like that. You know what I’m saying? You gotta have each other’s back.

You got to do that. Right. So having that support system, having a coach know you, building that community within is so important, right. So important for everybody, right. And that will help you maintain. And should trying to not become obsessed with the scale. I know, I know. I know. It’s I know it’s a thing, but I’d be like, throw it out, you know, take your batteries out.

How did your closet put in your garage or whatever you want to do? Because what I want you to do is to take pictures and take your measurements. You can get on a scale once in a blue moon, right. But end of the day, I want you to live with. That gives you that definition that keeps that weight off and it burns more calories, right?

Because of that density of that muscle and it weighs more than fat. Okay. And it will mess with your head. The scale will mess with your head and the hormones, all the things. Right. I talked about the scale before, but at the end of the day, just try not to mess with it because. You work out the more you eat, right?

Your way it’s going to start with, um, just stabilizing itself. Right? But the scale might be doing all kinds of things because you lifting weights, it might not move and might go up. It might go down and you don’t want to particularly worry about that. So taking your percentages, right. You can go into a fitness center and they have amazing equipment now where they can check your body fat.

And you can see where you fall and then the more you work out, you know, it’s not, if it’s going to matter that scale, right? You can just look at your measurements, look at your pictures, take a before and after picture that’s, that’s what you do. And you might not even notice it. Somebody could give you a compliment, tell you you’re losing weight and you don’t even see it.

But if you take a before. And then five weeks later, four weeks later, you take another one. Cause people are commenting you and ladies take your compliments. Say thank you. Sometimes we’re really bad about that. Take your compliments and say thank you. All right. Good. So look at them before and after picture.

And when you put them side by side and you take your measurements, you will see it. It’s a journey. You do not have to rush it. Okay. And just remember to remain committed because, and remembering why you do this, Chris, the beginning of this journey, you figured out why you were doing it. Right. And always remembering that posted somewhere.

If you need to make your vision board, do all the things, but always remembering why you started and remaining to stay committed because it’ll help you on the days when it’s hard. Cause there’s going to be days when. It is okay. I mean, this isn’t about perfection because if you need the rest, you go ahead and rest.

Okay. You give your body what it needs. You listen. All right. So I hope these tips helped you maintain your weight loss and keep it. ’cause you got this. All right. I believe in you. All right. So let’s go, let’s make this happen because this is part of your new lifestyle and you deserve every bit of it. All right.

And I did mention about the clean eating blueprint earlier, before I give that to you inside of the total wellbeing academy. Which I cannot wait to see you at where we helps you with weight loss. It helps you get your stress in order stress, less there, and also help reverse health conditions focusing on plant-based eating.

And if you’re trying to transition, that’s fine. Okay. And different tools. We talk about stress and healthier ways to cope and use a reversing almost health conditions. It’s just all. Helping you live a healthier lifestyle because wellness is key. All right, guys. So just go to Clarissa, forward slash TWA Clarissa for which last T.

All right until next time.

Bye guys. Thank you so much for coming by and don’t forget to subscribe and leave the written review until next time. Love and light.

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