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Tag: anxiety

Tip to achieve your weight loss goals to stop limiting beliefs to start today for results.

Tip to achieve your weight loss goals to stop limiting beliefs to start today for results.

One tip to achieve your goals either for weight loss or matters in your life is to surrender and let go. Pray and ask for your highest good, make space, and be open to receive the answers. Notice your fear and limiting beliefs and let 

Tips to stop late night snacking for good.

Tips to stop late night snacking for good.

Do you find yourself snacking late at night? This episode will talk about late night snacking and tips to help you stop Identify why you are late snacking How restrictive eating leads to snacking Eating to curb snacking Emotions and late night snacking as stress 

Meditation for gratitude, appreciation, and joy to feel more centered. Release anxiety and stress

Meditation for gratitude, appreciation, and joy to feel more centered. Release anxiety and stress

Today will be a meditation to help you feel more centered and grounded as the stress of the holidays are upon us. Feel gratitude, appreciation, and joy in this meditation and release any stress or anxiety that may arise and affect your mental health.Become aligned with the universe, god, spirit, or energy and appreciate your relaxed and be open to receive. Always feel free to journal after you meditate to release any areas that may have you stuck.

Much Love


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Distress Meditation to help with anxiety, stress, and forms of mental health.

Distress Meditation to help with anxiety, stress, and forms of mental health.

This episode is a guided meditation to help you release stress and anxiety from your day and let go. Also feel free to pray, meditate, be mindful, or even do some yoga to help with mental health and feel a state of happiness and overall 

5 Ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and mental health

5 Ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and mental health

Hey friend, In todays episode we will talk about mental health whether you are feeling stress, anxiety, or other emotions as it is an important discussion for everyone. We will go over 5 ways to help you or someone you know cope with depression and