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Top weight loss tip to lose weight fast and keep it off

In this episode we talk about how to lose weight fast and keep it off.

What are some weight loss foods and to keep from feeling hungry?

Why you feel hungry when dieting?

Foods to eat to lose weight

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Hey friends, hope you’re having a wonderful. So today’s five minute. Quick question is about losing about 20 to 30 pounds fast. Okay. So first I would suggest not putting a very stringent time limit on that. You do want to give yourself a realistic expectation, just so you don’t become overwhelmed or just get in a funk.

So, depending on how much you have to lose, give yourself, you know, you could say one to two pounds a week. Sometimes you lose more the first week, so it might be water weight. That’s going to come off of you. So if you’re doing something different, you might lose a couple of pounds more the first week. And that also depends on how much you have to lose.

It’ll be different for everybody. So the more excess weight you have on you, the higher your number is going to be in the beginning coming off, but then ultimately it might slow. But just give yourself time, give yourself that grace it’s okay. Because it’s obviously better to take a few months to lose weight so that you’ll be healthier and more lively, then not doing anything.

And then still having the same conversation with yourself two years down the line. Right? So it’s just always best just to nip it in the bud. Now make the game also be difficult to control your appetite. If you want some kind of diet that’s overly restrictive, right? So those fad diets. So if it’s not nutritionally sound, it’s going to be harder for you.

So the more unhealthy you eat, the more internal signals it’s going to give to your body to have more food, because this is back to the nutrients, because if you are overly restricting, you’re going to wind up eating more of whatever it is that you’re eating. That’s unhealthy because your body is still looking for those.

So, if you do have 20, 30 pounds that you want to lose, that’s what goes back to just switch, switching out your food items. Okay. Because when you eat calorically dense, low nutrient processed foods, it’s going to develop an increased desire for you to eat excessive calories. It affects your brain, you know, that’s that mind gut connection.

I mean, it just affects everything about us. Every. And you become increasingly dependent and overeating to feel well. I mean, sometimes you can feel fatigue, weakness, stomach cramps, irritability can even get like some headaches and you can think it’s a sign of hunger. And normally if it’s just regular hunger, you will resolve gradually.

And most people, if you’re eating high nutrient foods, but if you’re lacking in it, then you just keep feeling that way. Right. And then you might turn to eat more. To try to fill that void and the food is made to hook you, right? It is. It’s like, it’s just made it to dig. It’s a little hooks in you just to keep you coming back for more, because all those overly sugar, excess fat, all that salt it’s just made.

She just sat her tri like those remember ever having like some super salty like snacks and just can’t stop eating it. It’s made for that. Like the Pringles commercial. You can’t eat just one. I mean, that is exactly what the. And let’s just say that you are having this super salty snack of chips or just something, you know, you’re lacking those micronutrients in this phytochemicals is going to be found in plants because you’re not eating that.

Right. Especially if you’re eating a over consumption of fast food and all the processed foods, because you don’t want to make your food or it’s just convenient for you, or you might just not know how to cook any more healthy. Maybe you didn’t learn that, but just taking the time to pay attention to your nutrition and the food that you’re eating, you know, and like increasing your fiber intake will definitely help you lose weight.

Right? Um, the more plants you eat, the more on your plate, then the quicker you asked you lose weight naturally at the end of the day, because when you’re eating more nutrient dense food, you, you get. You can eat more of it. You, in order to lose weight, you need to eat. Okay. This is not about starving yourself or eating 1200 calories.

And all of those things it’s about. Eating a lot of food. You can fill your plate up with food. If you want eat till you’re full don’t stuff yourself to where you’re just like miserable, but allow yourself to eat till you’re full. Don’t feel like you gotta be like, I gotta count this and count that you don’t need to count your macros and you don’t need to count your calories.

I know somebody’s gonna be real mad at me, but it is okay. As long as you are eating good quality food, eat as much as you want and get. And you know what? Those foods are automatically lower in calories, so you don’t need to count them. So if you want to eat all this food and it’s more healthier, then you’re good.

You don’t have to worry about it, right? Because you’re naturally eating low calorie, nutrient dense foods. It just happens automatically because whenever you are counting, you try to figure out how you could fit this thing in. And be like, I’m going to eat this and eat this, and then there’s still stealing.

Let me do that. And then when you’re deprived, we go back to when we started with the body’s looking for the nutrients. So then whenever you do eat something at one point, you’re going to go all in, you know, you’re going to go all and you’re going to eat it all. That’s what’s going to happen because your body’s like, oh, thank goodness she is feeding me.

Oh, I love this child. She has about touch with some food in me and you’re going to eat. You could eat all the food, right. So just focusing more on the quality of your food. Now that can be your vegetables, raw vegetables, cooked vegetables, fruit legumes, you know, and eating a variety of food. Sometimes we eat all the same food.

Sometimes I gotta check myself too. Sometimes I’m going to be like eating certain things and I have to, you know, just go to the store and be like, look at some different vegetables and just grains or whatever it is. And just add a variety onto my plate. Go look at some new recipe, just throw something together, cabinet full of spices, pull it out and see what you got.

You know, you can pull inspiration from different places. If you like. You know, I also have a ton of recipes. If you need some recipes, you let me know. I got you, you know, just eating that eliminating or eliminating animal products and dairy as much as you can. Okay. And once you do that and you replace it with the more healthy.

Boom. You’re good. And if you want any animal products, just making sure it’s lean. I’ve said that before, but the more plants we can get the better. And especially if you can, for a few weeks, try to limit that as much as possible. Just give yourself about six weeks, give yourself eight weeks. You know, that also the program I have coming up in January is going to be an eight week program.

I’m going to take you through. You know, we’re going to go over nutrition, your stress levels, and then all our doing nutrition. It’s also going to target your health. So if you’re in any kind of medications and there’s a chance that you can reverse any health conditions that you may have, because I’ve worked with people where they have eventually come off of medication, you know, I don’t make that decision for you.

You talk to your doctor about it, and then you might go in there and it’d be like, you are looking at. Okay, what are you doing? And you just be like, I am, I mean, you know, I’m eating better. Um, my lifestyle’s changed and they’ll notice, they’ll look at your numbers, you know, and things happen. Blood pressure medication.

I mean, cause it’s all connected, right? I’ll talk about weight and health because it’s so connected at the end of the day, it’s about bettering our health and your weight affects that because even if you see something now, if you’d be like, I got to learn, lose 30 pounds. But you don’t have a diagnosis yet of something.

Do you want to wait till you get there? No, you don’t. No, you don’t. So you want to get a grip on that right now. Okay. And this is what you want. So just the fact that you’re listening to this tongue, that, that you ready okay. That you are ready. Right. So having an increased amount of vegetables, your fruits, your leg, You can minimize your seeds, avocados.

You know, I let avocados. Okay. I love me some avocados, but lower fat is good. Right? So whole food plant based weight, boom will start coming up and it might not be easy in the beginning because you have to readjust your. Because if you’re used to eating overly processed foods and excess salt, sugar, and fat, all these things, your body has to get you to it.

Your pallet got to used to it. You’re going to feel pretty amazing in a couple of days though. Let me tell you something. If you’re able to do this, you’re going to feel so good, but you might need help you, you know, that’s why I have this program coming up so I can help people because I believe so much in this and I’ve seen it.

I’ve seen people feel so. Look so good and be so happy. I mean, it makes me happy. I mean, you can tell I’m a naturally like bubbling anyway, but I do that because I love what I do. I just do. And look, and then on top of the nutrition component, which we know is extremely important, there’s the movement.

There’s the stress. There’s the sleep it’s all of the things is not just one thing. Never just focused on one thing because your life is complex. Aren’t you complex? I know you are. And so it’s all the different things we got to do together. Okay. Now, so that was your quick question for the day. I really need to stop saying five minutes because if for some reason I can’t stop talking at the five minutes, I’m just going to be like a quick question of the day, because I don’t know how to stop talking, but there’s that, um, And if you are ready, you want to come ahead and get on the wait list for when enrollment is open in January, come on over and register.

Just drop your name in there. You can just sign up and you’ll get notifications and everything. It is Clarisa forward slash T w a. And you can just go ahead and sign up. So that is Clarissa forward slash T. All right until next time. Oh, and just let me know any questions you might have.

You can go on over to the wellness community, which has Bitly forward slash wellbeing group. And also just leave me a review. I would love to know your thoughts. They mean the world to me. And you also, anything you would like me to add, also put that in your written review here. All right. Until next time it was a way to lose weight without feeling so hungry.

Having ways to cope with stress without turning to. Or even having increased energy to take on the day because your health concerns are affecting. That’s why I created total wellbeing academy, where I empower you to trust more in your self and spirit, how to cope with stress, any more healthy way through meditation.

I will also teach you how to lose weight naturally and keep it all while nourishing your mind, body and spirit, you will also get to the root cause of your condition instead of suppressing the symptom. I know what it feels like to be super stressed and feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to give extra focus to your health.

Imagine if you can wake up energized and not feel hungry or deprived and be on a restricted fad diet, that’s unsustainable just taking the time to put yourself first and breathe more easily because you know that you have the tools to live a long life. You will love your body. You’ll understand the connection between quality food and the effects on your mind and body.

You will walk away with a renewed lifestyle that makes you question diet culture. You’ll know how to effectively manage your emotions and your stress and the. He’ll watch your health through birth so you could live longer for yourself and your loved ones. So if you’re ready, go to Clarissa forward.

Last TWA again, that is Clarissa forward slash TWA.

Bye guys. Thank you so much for coming by and don’t forget to subscribe and leave a written review until next time. Love and light.

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